No change once again! I am not OK with it this week LOL I really was hoping for something since I have been working out a lot and doing better with portion control and food choices. Hope we see a change by next week that’s for sure.
Current weight: 230
Goal weight: 140
Pounds left to go: 90
Oh and I decided not to start keeping a food journal again. For now, it’s just too overwhelming and I want to try to keep up with the most important thing to me and that is exercising and be able to watch my portions and choose healthier foods on my own without logging everything I eat. Who knows, I might have to resort back to the food journal down the road. We’ll see!
How did you do this week?
Did you hear about the LA Fitness gym shootings in PA last night? I don’t live in PA but I am a member at LA Fitness here and I’m absolutely sick over it. I cannot even imagine having to go through that. It’s just scary. I pray for everyone affected by that horrible act.
Stephanie says
Don’t be too discouraged. It sounds like you’re doing your best to live a healthy lifestyle and eat a nutritious diet – and that is so admirable! Keep up the great work! I’m sure the “results” will follow. 🙂
Stephanie’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: I Watch You Dream
Angie says
Thank you Stephanie for the encouragement. I keep going but I have to try harder.
Carla, gosh that really hits close to home. I can’t even imagine what you were feeling.
MizFit says
I used to live in Pgh Pa so I was riveted as soon as I heard.
and heartbroken as it all unfolded.
so very sad.
MizFit’s last blog post..How to START working out: 5 steps to success.
Mark Mason says
I am actually reading this while eating a cheeseburger and french fries. And now I feel really guilty. Thanks for making this post. I really need to do something to turn things around.
I’ve been putting off dealing with my weight — I have been gaining about 3 pounds per year for the last 10 years. Now I am 41 years old and 30 pounds over weight.
And here I sit, reading your blog and eating a cheese burger.
I love this idea of “accountability blogging” that you are doing. Keep up the great work.
Mark Mason’s last blog post..What is iTunes (Apple’s Marketing Problem)
Angie says
Hi Mark! Don’t feel guilty, just have the cheeseburger and fries in moderation right? So glad you stopped by! Thanks
Quad Mama, I’m glad I found you too. Even though I don’t have kids of my own, I can live vicariously through you ha ha. My step kids are 26 and 24 so we just wait until they have babies LOL
Quad Mama says
I am soooooo glad you found us! I LOVE some of your menu planning ideas! =) Thanks for your encouraging comment. It’s really great “meeting” you!
Quad Mama’s last blog post..You’re the Inspiration…