Happy Friday!

Today I just wanted to quickly share some of my favorite living healthy blog posts and sites that I found this week. If you have come across any blog posts you would like to share feel free to link to them in your comments.
Q #1- I’m pretty much doing all I enjoy except running. That I just haven’t been able to get into yet probably because of all the breathing issues I’m having but I’m still trying. I am pretty sure that running won’t be MY THING but you never know.
Q #2- Best time a day for me to work out is in the afternoon and/or evening.
Q #3- I’m usually pretty good about this except for this past holiday weekend. Had good intentions of running but it never happened. BUT got right back into working out when we returned home even though totally exhausted.
One of my favorite fitness/foodie bloggers is Gina from The Fitnessista. She got the new Turbo Fire workout that I have been looking at getting and did a quick video post to show some of the moves. I definitely think I’ll be buying this one. It seems to have some similar if not the same moves as Turbo Jam and we all know I LOVE Turbo Jam.
So there you have it, just a few links to share and I’m in the process of clearing out my Google reader of outdated blogs so I’m looking for new and fresh blogs about living healthy. If you have any to recommend don’t forget to share in the comments.
Have a great weekend,
Angie – Sounds like you are staying motivated! Yeah!! TurboFire does incorporate the 11 Elite moves from TurboJam but it has even more moves and they’re at a faster pace. I think the choreography is easier to follow in TurboFire. Chalene describes TurboFire as the evolution of all her training over the last 20 years. I agree. Julie https://JustGetMeFit.com
Thank you for your input Julie! I think it’s something that I would like to try at some point.
Great posts, Angie! I checked the Jumpstart your Fitness and bookmarked Julie’s Just Get Me Fit.
I feel myself very challenged right now because I’m back from a short vacation and I havn’t really done anything except stretched my belt lately! 😉
Here is my post on what I dream of being able to do at age 50 – https://bodycapable.com/what-do-you-want-to-be-able-to-do-at-50-60-and-70/
.-= Satu´s last blog ..My collection of home fitness equipment =-.