Here we are at the end of 2012. It was a pretty good year but I’m looking to a far more successful one in 2013.
Glenneth had a post about 12 things she wanted to accomplish in 2012. I’m going to take her lead and do a 13 in 2013.
This will be a mix of personal and business goals. I don’t share much stuff outside of my weight loss/fitness world but a lot of people say they want me to share more. So I will oblige lol
My 13 in 2013 list:
1) Donate used items to Be Thrifty
This past year we got rid of a lot of items we were never going to use again. I want to keep that going in 2013, simplify and get more organized. We already have a couple boxes of pots/pans and other household items ready to go. I want to clear out the office, guest room and hall closets and our clothes closet in our bedroom.
Just think if I can get through all the boxes in the home office, we can start on the remodel of it. Painting, maybe wood floors and more.
2) Go to Oklahoma for our granddaughter’s 1st birthday
The trip is planned! We can’t wait to see family.
3) Vacation in Honduras
We have family friends who live in Honduras and have always wanted to visit. Well, it looks like June we might just make that happen. I have been reading up on Honduras travel and planning it out in my head so hopefully it will become a reality.
4) Vacation in Jamaica
For a couple years we were going to Jamaica every December (we stay at Couples Swept Away in Negril). Then our kitty broke his leg TWICE to the tune of $6,000+ so needless to say we haven’t traveled out of the country at all since that happened. We are itching to get back and I would love to go for the Reggae Marathon. We walked the half marathon there back in 2010 and I would like to either do the 10k or volunteer. If anyone would like to sponsor our trip to the Reggae Marathon we would definitely be interested in talking to you *wink*
5) Do video!
This one will take me way out of my comfort zone. I have done video in the past but I hate the tech part. I can never get them edited and online but I do want to be able to do this myself so I don’t have to invest too much money into help doing it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not opposed to investing in biz help but I have other things I need to invest in.
6) Complete 2 digital products
I have a business accountability report coming out soon and I have ideas for weight loss/fitness products too.
7) Use the slow cooker/crock pot at least 1x a week
I was doing really well with this so I want to get back to it. I had a goal to do two crock pot meals a week but we had a lot of leftover food. So the goal is at least one a week. I find some of the best slow cooker recipes on Pinterest.
8) 500 miles
My goal is to complete 500 miles through a variety of workouts (walking outside or DVD/treadmill/elliptical, spinning, etc.). On the Spinning website, they say a 40 min. spin ride with a cadence of 80-110rpm equals about 15-20 miles on the road. Sure it will be give or take but at least I have a pretty good idea now.
9) Juice at least 3x a week
We have a new Breville juicer that we bought ourselves for Christmas. Kev and I want to do more juicing so we need to get creative and find juicing recipes and tips.
10) Incorporate more yoga and Pilates into my workouts
I pretty much stick to cardio and weights/strength from my personal training plan when it comes to my workouts. When we were members at a gym, we did Pilates and it was a great workout. I would like to add in more of those types of workouts this year!
11) More boxing
Whether it be kickboxing, shadow boxing, or pounding on Slam Man, I want to make sure I incorporate more boxing into my life. I always feel sooo good after a good, sweaty boxing workout. I would LOVE to add a Nexersys to our home gym but that might be a bit of a stretch.
12) Take time to read more
I would like to catch up on some much needed reading. One of my goals during Best Body Bootcamp was to take time for myself and that included reading. I have a lot of business/healthy living books, magazines, reports, etc. that I want to read. My goal is to read at least 1 book a month.
13) Give my time to others
This past year I stepped out and helped a few people when it came to their blogs/business. I usually charge a consulting fee (or help others through my friend/client Lynn’s Internet marketing forum & private mastermind group) but openly shared some of my free time with a few deserving people. I truly can’t wait to see their businesses take off in 2013.
So there you have it, my 13 goals for 2013. Have you thought about yours?
Tell me some of your goals for 2013!
MIz says
HECK YES to number 13 too.
Im in.
Its that ole helpers high I need today too 🙂
Tamara says
I’m with you on number 1! I got through 3 closets earlier this month and dispatched 4 bags of lightly used clothing to the local women’s shelter.
Amazing how good it feels to de-clutter. Hubby’s office and the ‘mud room’/laundry room are next on my list. As well as two bathroom reno’s.
Carrie says
Great goals! Cheers to an amazing 2013!!
Casey says
I love every single one of your goals! How fun!