Are you looking where to buy a Bellicon rebounder for adults?
If you are looking for where to buy a Bellicon rebounder for adults I know just the place. I have had my Bellicon rebounder since 2019 and it’s been one of our best investments for our home gym. We just changed my bungees this week. Kev and I show you how to do that here:
It might have been better if we did it the way they do it ha It would have probably been best if we laid my rebounder flat on the floor and followed this example. See below.

You can find our video above on my Instagram account here. I love this rebounder SO much. It’s such a great workout. One of my favorites. Here’s another article I wrote where you can learn more about mini trampoline rebounder workouts and benefits.

What Size Bellicon Rebounder Should I Get?
You can choose from three diameters. The 39″ diameter is perfect for light bouncing. The 44″ diameter is their best seller and ideal for balanced and diverse workouts. I have the 44″ and it’s perfect. The 49″ diameter rebounder is for max comfort during your workout while standing or lying down. This is the largest one they have.
Super high quality. Easy on the joints and fun color options! I opted for the rainbow and it’s super pretty.

Why is the Bellicon Rebounder So Expensive?
This is a question I get sometimes….and it’s a very simple answer. It’s HIGH quality and probably the BEST performing rebounder/mini trampoline around. I have tried a few and this is at the top of my list. It’s super durable and stable which I totally need.
Here’s where to buy a Bellicon rebounder for adults… Get a Bellicon Rebounder and Accessories TODAY!
In addition to their rebounders, I highly recommend a T-bar. There are also other add-on accessories to keep your routine exciting and challenging.
Want a year’s worth of exercise? Check out the bellicon+ video training platform for only $99/year!
Don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to help!

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