Traveling Light – Its The Weigh To Go
Not that I personally know how to travel light but here are some tips that I hope will help us all. I don’t think I’ll ever just travel with a carry on but you never know!
It certainly makes sense to travel lighter these days though. Many of the airlines are charging additional fees for overweight luggage. They have a 50 to 75 lbs. weight maximum per bag depending on where you fly. With some suitcases weighing enough as it is empty that does not leave a lot of room for clothes and other items. It’s time to learn to travel more efficiently.
To start with, look for lighter weight luggage or downsize to a smaller sized piece. It’s not practical to take those over-sized suitcases anymore. Plan to start with no larger than a 29″ case. Then look for the lighter weight brands. Many pieces of luggage, that are now advertised as “light weight”, are in reality no lighter than the old pieces. Make sure you actually lift the case before purchasing. You do not have to sacrifice quality either, as there are many truly lightweight cases available with better fabrict and better wheel systems.
Try to limit the number of pairs of shoes you are taking (I can see Kevin shaking his head now). Shoes and sneakers are much heavier than clothing. Check out the many travel accessories available. Take along travel sizes of toothpaste, shampoo, and all those other goodies you cannot live without. If you are packing a hairdryer, take one that is compact and designed for travel. These days you don’t really need to take a hairdryer as most hotels supply them for you. Also think about bringing a small travel steamer instead of an iron for business travel. They are lighter weight and work quite well, steaming out all of the packing wrinkles quickly and efficiently.
Instead of bringing along a heavy raincoat, purchase one of the super light umbrellas that are now available. These are made of airplane aluminum and weigh only a few ounces. There are also foldable rain slickers available that are lighter than a raincoat would be and they work well in an emergency. Especially at Disney World!
Weigh your suitcase before you go. You can stand on a scale with the suitcase, then deduct your weight. Or there are also several portable scales available that you can hook to the luggage and lift. This is my favorite digital luggage scale. I have given it as a gift too.
Weighing your luggage before you leave the house/hotel will save you the arguments and the surcharges you WILL get at the airport. There’s also new luggage that just became available with an actual scale built in to the top of the suitcase. Of course, that will eliminate the excuse at the airport that (a) you did not know or (b) that it weighed less at home!
Plan your wardrobe with “mix and match” items. One pair of pants can be teamed with several different tops. There are also reversible jackets that can be dressed up or down. These are very lightweight and completely wrinkle free so they are a natural choice.
If you plan on shopping while traveling, there are folding bags you can use to pack your purchases for the trip home or plan accordingly and leave room. This way you will not overload your luggage. Most airlines allow a carry-on and one personal bag anyway.
Those are just a few tips to get you started.
Do you have any tips for traveling light?
Oh and my friend Dawn over at Your List Connection has a vacation checklist you might enjoy. There’s even a vacation planner too.
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