Today was Day 1 of Level 3 for the 30 Day Shred workout video! I love Level 3 although I had to modify quite a few of the moves. Doesn’t matter, I still sweated like crazy and it felt great. Only 9 days left. So crazy!
Level 3 has a more challenging warm up. I still modified the double jump rope with regular and the butt kick was modified with leg lifts/kicks. As long as I keep moving it’s all good.
Circuit 1 was tough, I ain’t gonna lie!
The walking plank move had to be modified and done on my knees and the superman about did me in ha ha. It was a tough move for me and I’m sure once you see what move it is, you might laugh at me. For those doing the 30 Day Shred workout video, you know exactly what move I’m talking about. Definitely my least favorite move out of the whole video.
Resistance training is incorporated in some of the moves. The mountain climbers are a lot of fun and I actually find the regular easier than the modified version. The sumo squat hops weren’t something I could really do with my bad knees so I modifid and just did other moves.
LOVE the pike and scissor crunches. Great moves!
Circuit 2 was tiring phew but I love the music in this one.
For the strength and cardio portions you’re using weights. The dumbell and squat combo move is fun and then there are jumping lunges which I also had to change up into alternating lunges. And no, I can’t do an actual lunge but I just go as far as I can which isn’t very far.
The cardio in Circuit 2 was awesome. I enjoyed using weights while shadowboxing and jump rope but again with butt kicks I had to modify. No problem!
Sit ups. I haven’t done sit ups in forever and I really enjoyed them. Yep, modified again but I could really feel it working. I want to add these to my daily routine.
Lastly Circuit 3…it was good but not one of my favorites. The strength moves were traveling pushups (WOW!) and row/leg raise planks. Modified both of those moves along with the jumping moves in the cardio and side plank raises in the ab sections.
Cool down was the same as all other levels.
So, I have 9 more days left and I think I’m definitely going to incorporate quite a few of the moves from Level 3 into my regular workout routine. Keep following my journey through this video. Once I’m done, I will compile my notes and write a full review that will be found on my main website.
Have you done Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred workout video? I want to hear your thoughts on it.
Congrats on making it to Level 3. I’ll be there in 5 days – and I’m just a tad bit scared.
Stephanie’s last blog post..How to Plan A Memorable Mom Blogger Event…in 7 easy steps
I just started this today and im enjoying it, just wondering if you guys have seen results/weight loss since day 1 of starting this??
I have to try this workout – I’ve never heard of it before!
Queen of the Click’s last blog post..Our House is Empty & Waiting
does anyone else find level 3 harder than 2? it was extremely hard in that i had to resort to more modifications and anita versions of moves but it didn’t leave me absolutely dying and cursing in the same way as plank jacks and those god awful ab twists at the end of level 2 do!
I’m on level two, just started… I’ll be there in 18 days… it feels so far away right now…
Sorry… I meant to write that I will be finished in 18 days… I’ll be at level three in 8!
Sorry for the delay in responding.
Stephanie, can’t wait to hear about your experience.
Sarah, I did not lose weight with the 30 Day Shred but I did lose some inches.
Queen of the Click, it was a good challenge. Let us know if you do decide to try it out.
Sara, I found level 3 pretty tough. I had to do modifications throughout the entire workout but I was OK with that. LOVE those plank jacks oh yea!
Megan, way to go! Please keep us updated on how it’s going.
Hi Angie
I am loving the shred so far. However I was wondering if you could post the exercises for level 3 on here…like for strength, cardio and abs! It would be a huge help.