Checking in to let you know how Days 22-25 went on my 30 Day Shred workout video journey. I can’t believe I only have 5 more days until I complete the whole workout. It’s been fun and a total challenge but I am ready to do a variety of different in-home workouts that is for sure. Level 3 is going by fast.
Day 22-
Another good workout and this day I started in the early morning with the 30 Day Shred workout video and then in the evening went to Aqua Fit class at the gym. Phew!
July 22nd
28 minutes
163 calories burned
Max Heart Rate: 81%/149
Average Heart Rate: 66%/120
Day 23-
OK, I had to modify the side plank raises because they are just way too hard for me right now. I keep trying but it’s a bit too much pressure on my knee on the left side so I have been doing other moves in place so it’s all good.
July 23rd
28 minutes
188 calories burned
Max Heart Rate: 86%/157
Average Heart Rate: 72%/131
Day 24-
I’m telling ya my heart rate monitor is going to drive me crazy. I’m not sure why it works off and on but I’m almost at the point of wanting a new one ha ha. The one I have right now is for men anyway so a girlie one would be nice. I have this men’s Polar heart rate monitor but would love this pretty green women’s polar heart rate monitor
Today’s workout went by really fast. I like when it does that!
July 24th
28 minutes
193 calories burned
Max Heart Rate: 116%/213 (I don’t think so!)
Average Heart Rate: 69%/127
Day 25-
Ahh today’s workout was tough. I came home after an hour long spin/cycling class at the gym to do the workout. It was not easy but I feel great. This will happen again tomorrow so I’m not looking forward to it. I’m totally exhausted right now.
28 minutes
189 calories burned
Max Heart Rate: 81%/149
Average Heart Rate: 69%/126
Only 5 days to go on the 30 Day Shred! How is the shred going for you? For those of you who haven’t done it are you ready to challenge yourself?
You are strong,
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