My 31 Day Personal Fitness Challenge:
Just off the July Better Healthy Living Challenge and I’m moving right into August with a 31 day fitness challenge. How does a personal fitness challenge sound to you? My personal goal is to be active every day in August.
There is so much you can do when it comes to staying active. I am personally going to make it a goal to get on the recumbent bike while watching TV, get in the home gym and start spinning again plus walking.
If you care to join in, let me know what your fitness focus is going to be. There won’t be any prizes except for the great feeling of accomplishment. I need to push myself more so this will be perfect. And we have a pretty big vacation coming up!
I’m feeling really good actually. Since June, I have lost over 16 lbs. I have been juicing, drinking smoothies and eating pretty darn healthy meals most of the time.
I would like to keep up the weight loss streak because my stepdaughter asked me if I had lost weight so not only are the pounds coming off but the inches are too. That is most important to me anyway. I have added some workout ideas should you care to join in.
Monthly Fitness Challenge Ideas:
- Walking
- Home Gym
- Fitness Classes
- Weights/Strength
- Swimming
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Dancing
Just a few ideas to get the brain working. Do any call out to you?
We all need to stay active and exercise. Fitness provides many health benefits, helps you get in shape, helps you lose or maintain your weight. I know it can be boring sometimes, believe me, I know!
But it doesn’t have to be. Let go of that mindset and make it fun. It’s an amazing tool to help you reach your goals and FEEL BETTER.
Only pick exercises and fitness routines that appeal to you. If you hate to run by all means don’t do it. My friend Lynn over at Traveling Low Carb loves to water ski and romp around the backyard with her two Great Danes, Slim and Molly. I personally LOVE boxing but have some arm/shoulder issues so can’t do that right now. But there is plenty more that I love to do.
Walking is the easiest thing to do for most people. Either get outside and go for a daily walk or hit the treadmill. Or do a walking video (more on those in another post).
Think ahead to the end result should you decide to stay active even after this 31 day fitness challenge. It’s important to set goals. Will you get into a smaller size of workout clothes? I personally have goal to buy all new workout clothes AND I have a pair of jeans that I kept out of the donation pile that I want to wear badly.
If you are bored with your current routine, change it up! Do something different every day, the possibilities are endless. Get your friends and family involved. It’s always fun to buddy up for a workout.
Exercise is only boring if you let it be. Invest some time figuring out what you like to do best. Your health and waist will thank you for it. So will you join us for a 31 day fitness challenge in August?
count me in!! i do jazzercise and love it! this month i will go to four hour sessions per week. also i want to focus on my arms: i will measure them tonight and use my handweights on the nights i do not go to jazzercise. i hope i see a difference in the measurements atthe end of the month!
Angie, 16 pounds gone is awesome!!!! did you know that is equivilant to 64 sticks of margerine????? 🙂
i mean four sessions per week..each is an hour.
I caught that….way to go!
I knew you would jump right in! And thanks for the vote of confidence. I went away to visit mom and dad and gained 4 lbs. It was THAT time of the month but still ugh. Back at juicing and workouts. But who knew that was 64 sticks of margarine? Eek