Are you stuck?
Don’t make things harder than they have to be (I’m one to speak ha). When I think of making things harder than they have to be, the book What You Can When You Can written by my two friends Carla and Roni comes to mind.
And if you read my post from yesterday about life revolving around weight loss and fitness, it’s the perfect time to bring this up. I am going to personally do what I can when I can. As long as I’m taking action and moving towards that healthier lifestyle, I’m on the right track.
Getting Unstuck
Here are some ways to get yourself unstuck. I need to focus on these myself, do you have any to add?
- Take a leap into the unknown
- Ask yourself “Is what I’m doing fun?”
- Do what’s uncomfortable
- Set goals & commit
- Celebrate yourself
Little steps will get you there. Here are 10 things you can do for your health every day, no matter how busy you are. Thanks for the reminder Carla!
You should go check out the Twitter #wycwyc conversations. The little things add up, like these…
Today’s #wycwyc – up and down the stairs a million times doing laundry and filing stuff.
— MCM Mama Runs (@mcmmama) May 21, 2015
You don’t have to do it all – you just have to do what you can when you can #wycwyc — Running With Ollie (@GeaLenders) May 15, 2015
and here’s mine
Can’t wait for my new water bottle so I can use my essential oils in it #wycwyc #FitFluential
— Angie Newton (@angienewton) May 26, 2015
I have Carla and Roni’s book in my Amazon wishlist for when I am ready for more reading material. I must read what I have first! Thanks for the inspiration ladies.
What was your #wycwyc for today?
I love this post. Not at all/only because it’s about the movement we have created. I love it because I still need the reminder every damn day 🙂 my baby steps will add up. My small shuffles forward will create the change I desire.
Thanks for all your support and inspiration, Carla! I have to just remember this daily.