Welcome Friday! It’s time for your Fit and Healthy Lifestyle tip and today it’s brought to you by one of my online fitness buddies. Today you get a whole body free workout plan courtesy of Scott. Please help me send out a warm welcome to Scott.
Hi there, my name is Scott Tousignant and I’m excited to be your guest blogger today. What I love most about Angie’s site is her use of the term “Loving It” when it comes to embarking on a fat loss journey. Fitness is meant to be fun and for that reason I am going to share with you today, 8 exercises that I really enjoy doing in the comfort of my home office.
1) The Shuffle Step – This is a great cardio movement that can really get your heart pumping and thighs burning.
2) Walkout Push Ups – This is a fun exercise to work your chest muscles as well as your ‘core’.
3) Piston Rows – This exercise is a variation of the standing dumbbell row and focuses on working your back muscles. There’s something about alternating arms with the Piston Row that makes this exercise so much more fun than a traditional row.
4) Ball Leg Curls – This is a fun exercise for the back of your thighs (hamstrings) as well as your butt, calves, and ‘core’. Try one leg at a time for a more challenging movement.
5) Shoulder ‘Y’ and ‘W’ – This is a fun exercise to work various areas of your shoulder.
6) Killer 3’s – This is a fun and very effective exercise for the biceps.
7) Ball Triceps Push Up – When you place your hands close together and keep your elbows close to your body, this exercise becomes very effective for working your triceps. The balance and co-ordination makes this exercise fun.
8 ) Plank on Ball – I just love doing the plank on the ball. Because you are holding the position for several seconds it gives me time to get ‘in-tune’ with my body.
You can actually perform this series of exercises together without taking any rest and repeat it three times for a very fast and fun whole body workout. Give it a try and report back to me on how fun this routine is and how you feel after wards.
You ROCK! Enjoy the experience,
Scott Tousignant
About The Writer
Scott Tousignant, BHK is the creator of Fat Loss Quickie Home Office Fitness For Busy Work-At-Home-Moms and Dads. It’s the fast fun home office fitness experience that will quickly transform you into the super-focused, highly productive, beautiful person you really are!
Scott and his wife Angie are a dynamic duo who pride themselves on keeping it real when it comes to health and fitness. Together they created “More Love Less Fat” – A Couples Guide To Transforming Your Body and Relationship.
If you would like to get to know Scott and Angie better you should definitely visit the Fat Loss Quickie blog where you will frequently see their two young children Shayne and Noelle, along with their cat “Charlie” jump into the picture when Scott and Angie are demonstrating their fast fun home workouts.
Thank you Scott for a fun guest post. This whole body free workout plan is awesome and would be perfect to do while watching TV. My favorite moves were the love shuffle, piston row and the killer 3’s but they are all going to be great workout moves. YEA!
For anyone who is on Twitter, you can find Scott there too. In the video my website was mentioned as Loving It and Losing It but it’s actually Losing It and Loving It.
Thank you Scott for a great guest post!
P.S. I had a few inquiries about where to find a balance ball. You can find them at your local sport store, Wal-Mart or even purchase a balance ball through Amazon.
I really need to do more from my home office. Somehow the idea that I need to leave the house to get a proper workout is buried deep in my mind, and I need to dig it out of there and send it packing. Thanks for these great tips Scott and Angie 🙂
Loretta’s last blog post..Win 4 Beautiful Pieces of Cross Stitch Fabric
Love the video! The shuffle step looks like a great thing to do with kids, I bet there would be a lot of laughs and giggles as well as some great muscle building going on.
Great variation of a push up too, I can’t do regular ones at all, these might work for me.
Jan – queenofkaos’s last blog post..Green Smoothie Glow
These are really great workouts that we can do at home! I love that – make it simple and easy for me, and I’m much more likely to do it! 🙂
Lisa Marie Mary’s last blog post..The Judi Files – Animal Advocacy At Its Best
LOVEd the vdeo. Thanks for sharing!
Lisa’s last blog post..First day back OP and I…
Wow! I loved that video. These are great exercises that would totally work form me! Thanks Angie and Scott! Seriously I am got bookmark this page so I can come back to it!
Actually I’m not that much into “Weight Loss” per say any more. I have a strange, but non-life threatening (I hope) illness that has caused me to go from 202 lbs to under or at 150 lbs (That’s 25% Total body loss!).
HOWEVER! I used to be BIG into exercise and body building. That being said: This video and post has REALLY inspired me to “Get Back To Exercising” not for body building, but it sure wouldn’t hurt my health any! Awesome!
I love this approach that you work your body and especially the muscles you lose more weight faster and keep it off. It is amazing and I know it works.
Work out can be fun when you know it brings great results to your body. I did not know some of the moves like the killer3s. I love to exercise, it is fun and now I am not into any heavy stuff due to health reasons and breastfeeding but I cant wait.
I love your journal Angie. Will be here often.
Thanks! looks easy to do from my home office. I wonder where to get that ball:)
This was a fun guest post. Scott did a fantastic job. He seems like a positive and encouraging person who lives a very fit lifestyle. I really like the fact that all of these exercises can be done in a home office (and it’s extra cool that he actually demonstrated them in his home office).
Thanks for the inspiration.
Stephanie’s last blog post..National Breastfeeding Awareness Month: a giveaway
Great workout for those of us who work at home – and don’t have room for exercise equipment.
BTW We found one of those balls at Wal-Mart.
Hey Scott and Angie,
Appreciate the mental shift in putting the fun into exercise. How simple and a very practical video. I wondered how to add strength training into my day. Wonder no more, I will. I can listen to a Canadian say out and about all day, btw. 🙂 Thanks guys!
Julie Anna’s last blog post..Market Your Business from the Heart
Wow!!! My body is sore just by reading this excellent post…:) Thanks Angie for having Scott guest blog…and thanks Scott for the hard work.
Lyle Robinson’s last blog post..May is Lynn Terry Month!
Thank you all for commenting! This was a great guest post and very popular this weekend. Glad you all found the info helpful.
Yes, Loretta, let go of those thoughts. You can do so much at home as far as exercise goes. Let me know if you need other ideas.
Sande, glad you enjoyed the blog. Hope to see you often.
Imie, I had some inquiries about where to get the balance ball so I added some info at the end of the post. You can purchase at your local sport store, Wal-Mart or through Amazon.
Gary, you’re right it doesn’t ever hurt to exercise for good health.
Again, thank you all for the comments, tweets on Twitter, Facebook love and more. You all are wonderful.
Those look like tough full body workouts. I need to try those!
Wii Fit’s last blog post..Wii Fit Plus Trailer From E3
This sounds like just what I need. A quick break from the computer and a great workout.
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