So the week started out good but went downhill as far as workouts go. I feel bad that I did not get any exercise in from Thursday-Sunday but I think I’ll be ready for this coming week. My plan for Thursday was to take the day off because I totally overdid my lower body strength training at the gym Wed. night but I was still in so much pain on Friday that I took that day off too. Thought I could make up 8 miles of in home walking over the weekend but that didn’t happen. We missed spin class on Saturday due to taking our Basset Hound who has been quite sick to the vet and spent almost 5 hours there. Before we left though I opened the truck door on my knee (oh my gosh did that hurt bad and I cried like a baby) and it ballooned up like crazy and is bruised. It still hurt pretty bad this morning so Kev went to spin class alone while I stayed home to heal and take care of our sick dog.
The story of my life! ha ha I sure hope this week turns out better and I can meet my goals.
Workout stats for the week of August 17-23, 2009
*Walk Away the Pounds 2 mile Walk Slim
Time: 35 min.
Miles: 2
Calories burned: 302
*Strength training (upper body/abs)
Time: 15 min.
Time: 40 min.
Miles: 3.47
Calories burned: 450
*Walk Away the Pounds 5k With a Twist (3.1 miles)
Time: 45 min.
Miles: 3.1
Calories burned: 422
*Walk outside
Time: 20 min.
*Walk Away the Pounds Walk Slim 3 mile
Time: 45 min.
Miles: 3
Calories burned: 398
*Walk outside
Time: 20 min.
*Strength training (lower body at gym)
Time: 30 min.
Time: 30 min.
Miles: 2.60
Calories burned: 348
Nada, zip, zilch
How did your workouts go this week?
Don’t get to down on yourself! You don’t want to do damage to yourself!!
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Sorry to hear about your dog being so sick. And like it was already mentioned – don’t get down on yourself. Sometimes life just happens and we have to take a ‘break’. My knee hurt just reading about it. Ouch.
Tishia Lee’s last blog post..Just Got Sad News From My Dad
Thank you all for your comments!
Ted, I appreciate that you included me in the list. I will place the badge on my blog soon.