Weekend Workouts: Just keep moving
My weekend workouts were pretty good. I printed out an exercise and fitness calendar to keep track for the remainder of the month. July didn’t start out well for workouts, we traveled and I didn’t do anything except walk.
It was still a positive thing that I kept moving (walked at a Dairy Farm & a fair in Indiana while visiting my parent’s). I also got to relax a bit and hang out with family. We had a blast!
Since last Friday, I have moved every day.
Friday 7/10: Spinning 30 min.
Saturday 7/11: Walked a lot at the zoo
Sunday 7/12: Elliptical 10 min. & Treadmill 10 min.
I am trying to push through and move daily the entire month. I want August to be a really great month where I get back into a similar fitness routine like I used to do. I just joined up with Team Live Lean so look forward to checking out all they have to offer and get inspired!
We had a really good weekend. I went with Kev to his grade school dinner get together and we stayed out late. I was so tired but my stepdaughter asked me the next morning if I wanted to go to the zoo with her and our granddaughter while Kev hung out with school friends. I love the zoo and it was a new one to us that we had never been to before so she picked me up and we were off.
We had a great time at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. Our granddaughter is growing up so fast. Can’t believe she will be 4 soon.
We had lunch at the zoo, Bella got her face painted and we enjoyed checking out all the animals.
As we entered the indoor gorilla habitat, the coolest thing happened. Bella was leaning up against the glass admiring the baby gorillas and all of a sudden one of the older ones came right to the glass and put it’s hands up to hers. So adorably fantastic!
Just look at her expression….mine was similar as I was scrambling for my phone to shoot this photo.
Extremely cool.
It only rained at the end and we sat in traffic for a while but we had a nice dinner out and Bella got the blue ice cream that she had talked about ALL DAY LONG lol
Good times with the girls!
A pretty perfect day.
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