Week 3: ABSolutely Awesome Abs & Arms
This week my goal is to add arms and abs workouts to my exercises. Whether it be sit ups, planks or crunches, I want to start adding it to my daily fitness. It’s been a while since I could do anything with my arms because I had hurt my shoulder but it feels much better so I think I’ll try to do some upper body exercises with weights.
I truly would love to be able to get on a kayak from out in the open water but I know I need to have a ton of upper body strength. I’m on a mission!
Below you will find an awesome variety of workouts I found that would fit well for this week’s challenge.
Abs and Arms workouts found on Pinterest:
- Medicine Ball Ab Attack
- 10 Minute Workout – ABS
- Standing Ab Workout
- Total Abs workout
- I personally love the stability ball so this workout is cool!
Gina from Fitnessista has a lot of great workouts. I did a search for ab workouts and found quite a bit.
My FitFluential buddy Laura has some great workouts that she shared with us:
Have you tried any ab workout videos? I found these on Amazon and they look and sound good. Your thoughts?
So this week we focus on our arms and abs workouts. Strength training is an important part of a fitness routine so no better time than the present to start adding it to our workouts. If you don’t know the proper technique and form, be sure to research that before you begin.
The only tips I have is to not over do it. Alternate upper and lower body and don’t think you have to lift heavy weights to have a successful upper body and ab workout.
Do you have any tips for a successful abs/upper body workout?
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