The August 2009 Bloggy Love award goes to Gina, The Fitnessista. I would consider Gina a fitness and healthy food blogger. I love to give away these Bloggy Awards because it’s nice to show how much of an impact these bloggers really truly have on their readers.
I have been following Gina’s blog for quite some time now and I believe she is quite deserving of this award. Gina inspires me in so many ways and once you start reading her blog, you’ll figure out many of the reasons why.
Gina is a personal trainer, spin and Zumba instructor and more! She’s amazing and really does it all. I love that Gina freely shares her workout ideas, music play lists and more. She’s just really cool! I might have to take a trip one day just so I can get a personal training session with the fab Gina. It’s so much fun to hear about Gina’s gym escapades and her crazy workouts. I love it!
Gina has so much to offer on her blog. Be sure to check it out at The Fitnessista! The workout page is awesome along with her weight loss story. I am always intrigued with how healthy Gina eats and secretly wish she would come teach me how to cook up all of her yummy meals. Gina loves spicy foods, a girl after my own heart. And I swear one day I am going to try Indian food. It always looks so yummy when she blogs about her Indian dinners out on the town. Wonder what Indian foods she would recommend for a beginnger? *wink*
I absolutely enjoy seeing how in love Gina is with her pilot (her hubby). They have a great fun loving relationship which is a breath of fresh air to see. I love to hear about their travels, quick road trips and their pets. Never a dull moment in Fitnessista land. You can follow Gina on Twitter to see what I mean.
Lastly, you have to check out The Fitnessista breakfast cookie and try one for yourself. Soooo good! In fact, I need to make myself one this week.
Be sure to visit Gina’s blog, The Fitnessista and add it to your reader. You will be inspired on so many levels. Enjoy! Also, don’t forget to share the bloggy love with your favorite blogs and link back when you do. Another fabulous blogger will be highlighted next month so come on back to see who it will be.
angie! wow- THANK YOU so much! all of you sweet words are so appreciated and you totally made my day
your macaroons are here- i just need to pack them up and send them your way 😀
thanks again my dear- lots of hugs to you!
You’re quite welcome Gina! For all you give to others you totally deserve it. I loved the macaroons, they were so tasty and healthy. I loved that!
Can’t be sure why no one posted here but I’ll plug you again soon to see if we can’t get you more bloggy LOVE!
I know I’m a bit late, but I love both your blogs – thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!