I could not let February come to a close without mentioning that it’s National Cherry Month. Do you love cherries as much as I do?
I didn’t always love them. But I’m glad they came back into my life. And they are expensive. But I don’t care.
Although there are many types of cherries I only like fresh healthy ones. I do not like the maraschino cherries blech. I don’t like chocolate covered cherries. And I don’t like cherry flavored cough syrup. I do like cherry coke but that’s not so healthy so let’s not go there.
My favorite types of cherries are sweet, Bing & Rainier. But did you know they have yellow cherries too? If you want to bake, use tart cherries.
And if you ever wanted to find an easy way to pit cherries, here ya go. You can thank me later.
Interesting fact: Cherries are referred to as “Stone Fruits” due to their large size and hard seed.
And cherries have many healthy benefits. Check this out…
- Helps relieve arthritis and inflammation
- Protects against heart disease
- High in antioxidant’s
- Help you sleep (I could use some ASAP)
- Aids in workout recovery
According to Wikipedia, a cherry tree can take 3-4 years to produce its first crop. I wonder if we can grow one in Illinois. I don’t know, but I would probably kill it lol
Do you like cherries? What is your favorite type of cherry?
Hi Angie, Happy Cherry month to you! How about Luden’s cherry flavored cough drops? I’ve had about 2 bags this month thanks to some nasty bronchitis. They bring back memories of childhood 😀
Oh yea those are good! LOL Hope you’re on the mend and feeling better.
Hi Angie,
Glad to know I’m not the only one who knew February was national cherry month ;). Favorite cherry recipe? Hands down it has to be cherry, almond, and coconut protein balls. They’re the perfect on the go snack. Can’t get enough of them. Other favorite cherry recipe – cherry pie, but that doesn’t count.