Once again, I come in at the middle of the month with my goals. I am uhh WAS defeated last week because I had started out great the week before doing the recumbent bike every day. Then something happened to my hip and my knee started bothering me so that was that.
I still can hardly walk without holding on to something and it’s really quite painful. But I am going to talk to my physical therapist to see what she thinks about me trying to get on the spin bike and treadmill, maybe see if I can manage on the rebounder (thank goodness the new one my dad and mom bought me for Christmas has a bar to hold if I need it).
I’m REALLY struggling but I am going to keep giving it the old college try. I start physical therapy tomorrow for the leg numbness. Finally I got around to scheduling that and will go a couple times a week for the next month. Hopefully that will help!
Another thing I am planning out are simple meals. I need to keep it simple which might be a bit boring or I will never get anywhere. I’m thinking of having a juice and smoothie/meal shake every day plus one solid meal. Then healthy snacks throughout the day. I’m thinking I will eat my solid meal during lunchtime and do the juice or shake for dinnertime.
Some snack options on my go to list for now will be the following:
- almonds
- pecans
- celery w/mustard (YUM!)
- strawberries
- Greek yogurt
- apples w/cashew butter
- hardboiled eggs
Some simple meal ideas might include:
- Sweet potatoes with broccoli and hummus
- Salmon
- Eggs
- Shrimp w/fajita veggies
- Cabbage salad
- Baked chickpeas with broccoli, cauliflower and sauce
- Quinoa w/fajita veggies
- Quinoa veggie burgers
- Bean burgers
- Portabella veggie burgers
- Zoodles with sauce
- Overnight oats
If you have anything to include, let me know and remember I don’t cook LOL Just keeping it simple for now, I think that will be best for me.
My friend who lives with us is vegan and we love juicing and are going to try some new protein shakes. Looking forward to taste testing those. I want to order those by Wednesday so we can have them for next week.
Do you have any vegetarian and/or vegan protein shake recommendations?
At some point, I’ll work on cutting out some higher carby stuff and follow some of my friend Lynn’s recommendations for vegetarians over at Traveling Low Carb but I love juicing and I love my sweet potatoes, oats and quinoa so I won’t be going totally low carb. Just going to start out trying to make healthier choices and watch portions and go up from there.
I will be traveling in April for business so that should prove interesting but I’m going to just do my best. I’ll have to plan out what I’m packing for that so I’ll share that in a post too.
I am thinking nuts, fruits and cheese and/or maybe pack breakfast up to hold me over in flight. And of course I’ll bag up some of the protein shake mix to have during the week I’m there.
So once I start the juice/shake and healthy snack simple plan, I am going to try to write down what I eat each day. I have never been good at keeping a food journal so we’ll see about that. I was trying to keep track of my water intake in my Fitbit app but slacked on that. Must get the Fitbit scale up and running too.
Did you ever get a chance to check out Kelly’s Finally Fit coaching group? You should. Like I said before, I’m not an affiliate, I just adore her. She is CEO of FitFluential, the amazing fitness community I have been a part of for almost 5 years. Fist pump!
Happy March and soon to be April (my birthday month whoo hoo!). I have to remember my mantra: Keep it Simple but Get It Done
What are some of your goals for this month?
My goals include walking at least 4 times per week (I walk at the park 2.4 miles or 3.2 miles each time ..one time around is .8 mile….so I make 3 to 4 loops. nature is so peaceful and the birds are singing so loud now.
I also want to stay on course…my ww journey has been an uphill battle the past two years: lots of stress…so my goal is to de-stress in small ways every single day and to keep going one day at a time. This includes planning and tracking.
I’ve kept my goal of tracking!!!! it helps me feel in control.