Yesterday I got back in the home gym. I wanted to start out easy and not overdo it. My groin has been feeling a bit better so I didn’t want to push too hard. I was on the rebounder and did some walking for a total of 30 minutes. I felt good but tired. I guess that is normal since I haven’t been ‘in the game’ for a long while.
My plan is to do something daily, no matter how long, whether it’s 10 minutes or an hour. I just need to get moving.

I’m looking forward to testing out the Massage Track system I received from the company to review. It came at the perfect time as I get back into my workouts. I have high hopes it will help some of my issues. Review to come later after I test it out for a while.

Oh and did I mention that we are looking at purchasing a hot tub? It would go in the garage which we renovated into our home gym. The only thing is that it will take up a large portion of it and we will have to move the treadmill and some other things around to accommodate. I have a feeling we are leaning towards the 5 person hot tub rather than the smaller 3 person one. Isn’t she a beauty?

I don’t see us doing this before we go on vacation in September but hopefully not too long afterwards. We still have to get someone to come out and do some stuff with the electricity out there to make it happen. So although I could really use it right now, I’m just not sure it’s going to happen.
Back to my workouts. I’m just testing the waters with workouts for the rest of the month. Hopefully I will set a bigger goal for August. We don’t have long until our vacation back to Roatan, Honduras and I would like to get some strength back. Maybe we should go ahead and get the hot tub.
Snorkeling all day takes a lot out of you so I want to be more prepared. Plus I have high hopes that I will try to get in a kayak. That is one thing I am most afraid of doing. I am sure I can get in because I have done it before but I get scared thinking of what might happen should I want to get out to snorkel while kayaking. I might never make it back in the kayak. Just picture that.
Then hubby would have to pull my kayak and me back to shore….umm yea.
Oh I have been on the hunt for a couple sports bras. It’s so hard finding something local and I’m afraid of buying online and them not fitting. I don’t want to deal with returns.
I might check out because they do take returns in store. That way I could buy a variety and hope at least one fits. And I can use Rakuten on that site too. I love Rakuten, have you heard of them?
Lastly, I’m thinking about an August challenge. I missed my annual Better Healthy Living Challenge this year with all my health issues but don’t fret, I will have it before the end of the year. Probably in October. I’ll keep you posted.
What have you been up to? Tell me one thing you did this week so far towards your quest for better health.
Kayaking, rebounder – you are doing all the things I want to do but I got injured. After a very painful year finally PT is helping. Hopefully I’ll be ready for the kayak next year. Right now I’m just grateful to be able sleep, sit and stand with less pain. Hope you feel better soon and enjoy that vacation.
Hi Gina, thanks so much. I know about the injury pain this year so I’ll keep good thoughts for you to be pain free very soon. I did a recumbent bike workout yesterday and know that is not the workout to do with my groin issue. I have to stay upright I believe. We’ll see. Get better and keep me updated.