This month is Better Sleep Month. I just participated in a Twitter chat last night with FitFluential and Sleep Number. I’m now equipped with some great ideas on how to sleep better.
When asked how much sleep we get, I said I try to get at least 7 but it doesn’t always happen. I usually stay up and watch TV to wind down, well at least I like to THINK it helps me wind down but now I’m not so sure. A TV doesn’t really belong in a place that is supposed to be a quiet sanctuary.
I think I need to start paying more attention to my sleep. My Polar A360 fitness watch even tracks my sleep but I don’t ever look at that info. Shame on me.
I have found that I sleep better when I drink yummy bedtime tea, write down my next day’s to-do list and use lavender. I have a lavender sleep stick and have used lavender essential oils on the bottom’s of my feet. I know that exercise used to help me sleep better and I hope to ease back in to that soon. I also know my brain works a lot better when I get a good night’s sleep. I think more clearly and have a lot more patience too.
Did you know there are 5 sleep cycles? Check out the stages of sleep. I do get to stage 5 but I wake up a lot every night. Need to try to change that. I know a lot of people that have insomnia and that is tough to deal with. Thankful I don’t deal with that often.
The #justaddsleep Twitter chat had me on Pinterest looking for ways to make our bedroom more of a peaceful sanctuary. We have been in discussion of remodeling the bathroom off our room so why not do the whole room at the same time?
New paint, bedding, flooring…ohh this sounds like something we need to get done ASAP. I mentioned last night in the chat that our bedroom could be more calm if all the clutter junk was out of there. A little purging and organization would be a good start. Everything seems to end up in our room. And if we are looking at traveling in a an RV sometime in the future or buying a tiny house, might as well start prepping now.
We currently have a nice bed, an iComfort with adjustable base but we have to agree on the bed’s position. I prefer flat, he likes to be raised up high. It’s not that old of a bed but I really want a Sleep Number adjustable bed. Have ya’ll seen the Sleep Number 360™ smart bed? Yes please!
Who knew about warming your feet?
Here’s our little buddy Franklin who was falling asleep next to me as I tweeted about sleep last night. Just had to share.
Speaking of sleep, Franklin is ready for bed @FitFluential @sleepnumber #justaddsleep #fitfluential
— Angie Newton? (@angienewton) May 25, 2017
How To Sleep Better:
Sleep is good for our health so here are some quick tips from FitFluential on what to do for better sleep. Top on my list is to make our surroundings sleep friendly. And again don’t forget the lavender. I like to inhale or put on bottom’s of my feet, temples, really anywhere to help calm me down.
Kev and I also like to splurge a bit on nice higher thread count sheets, soft comforters/blankets and good pillows. Here’s to some happy, restful, BLISSful sleep!
Do you get enough sleep? What time do you go to bed and wake up?
Angie, just read this as I have been having some sleep issues myself. Wow, a great and informative post. My kitties fall asleep better than I do as well.
It has been full nights without sleep for me, but I think it is getting better. I am trying to keep my mind busy during the day so that I feel tired and sleepy when I turn the lights out. I know that I need to start walking again…..I am sure that would help as well.
Glad you enjoyed the post. Thanks for stopping by!
Any type of exercise will help, I do know that. I also need to start moving more. Come join my monthly challenge group to stay accountable.