I was struggling. It’s been REALLY hard getting back into the groove of exercise. Especially with my foot/leg swelling and numbness issue.
Why is it is so hard for me to get back into the groove?
It could be because I think I always have to go all or nothing. Do you ever feel that way? Well, that is not the case.
It was time to make fitness a priority in my life again AND with the help and kind nudging of my accountability and workout partner, my 15-year-old granddaughter I am pushing through and we are getting it done.
We cleaned up the home gym, heated it up so there are no excuses. Actually, since January 8th, I have been doing pretty good.
My granddaughter and I have been working out 3 times a week together and I have been doing 10-15 minutes on the mini trampoline almost every day. My body is sore, my foot and leg are swollen and I’m really bummed about that but hopefully, with some weight loss, it will get a bit better.
I used to do great with fitness and loved to exercise. My hope is I get back to that place where I was before.
For those of you that work at home like I do, I came across Adam Dudley’s video on how to stay active while you build your business (I work full time from home AND have a home gym so I have no excuse). He shared really simple tips that I have even shared here on the blog before.
Be sure to check out the video below.
Great tips! Getting more active is something I have started to focus on. Even if it’s just 10 minutes in the home gym or a daily walk to and from the mailbox, it’s something and IT COUNTS. I have started to utilize my standing desk more too. Like I mentioned above, I still have the leg numbness issue and after about 10 minutes of standing/walking I can no longer feel my thigh. But I have been pushing through as much as I can.
Have you heard of the use it or lose it fitness principle before? Basically, it means that your muscles will atrophy with lack of use. I felt that I was very close to that point and needed to get out of the fitness funk.
Health Risks of a Sedentary Lifestyle
A basic law of physics states, “A body in motion tends to stay in motion, a body at rest tends to stay at rest.” Our modern conveniences have altered human behavior in more ways than anyone could have predicted. While convenience and comfort have certainly increased, the toll on human health is far worse than many realize. A sedentary lifestyle is crippling. As our lives become more convenient, they also become dangerously sedentary. Obesity is not the only problem that might occur from inactivity. A multitude of health complications also occurs when our muscles are not used.
Muscle Mass: Use it or Lose It
Like I said above, if you do not use a muscle, it will atrophy, or waste away. When you exercise, you develop muscle tissues and maintain your weight. If you stop exercising and continue to indulge in life’s conveniences, the muscles will atrophy and your body will begin to store the excess calories as fat.
Put Your Heart into Your Efforts toward Good Health
As a muscle, your heart also requires you stay active. Keep moving and your circulation increases. Failing to take care of your heart, by living a sedentary lifestyle, can lead to coronary artery disease, stroke, and hypertension. So many reasons for us all to stay active.
Sitting can literally kill you if you do it too much or for too long. Inactivity increases your body mass or the ratio of fat to muscle within your body. Even simple, regular movement and muscle stimulation can provide your heart and other muscles what they need.
Other Health Risks of a Sedentary Life
Inactivity can lead to breast cancer, colon cancer, osteoporosis, and Type 2 diabetes, among many other illnesses. World Health Organization (WHO) statistics claim sedentary living will cause 17 million deaths due to cardiovascular disease and that diabetes deaths will increase 50% in 10 years unless changes are made. This can be avoided!
Current WHO projections tell us that one out of every three human beings is overweight and that one out of every ten is obese. These conditions can lead to serious health risks and death. Luckily, being obese or overweight is preventable and treatable, as are atrophied muscles.
Regular exercise will help to restore your good health. Basic changes in eating habits, such as drinking more water, consuming less sugar and highly processed foods will bring great results. In addition to these types of dietary changes, we should all participate in some kind of moderately intense physical activity for at least 15-30 minutes most days. But like I say, do what you can and don’t feel you have to be like anyone else.
Use It or Lose It February Fitness Challenge
Today is February 5th so from now until the end of the month, I challenge you to move more. Just do something every day whether it’s 5 minutes or 50. Do what YOU feel most comfortable that will help you stay active.
Keeping it simple has really helped me get back into an exercise routine. I also like to plan my workout before it happens.
I notice that when we don’t have our workout planned that we aren’t as motivated to get to it. So I like to choose our workout routine a day before if possible. And I add it to my workout planner (the one I use is below).
I also want to start keeping a healthy living bullet journal like this:
Here are some quick exercise ideas to get you back into the swing of it too.
- Walk to mailbox
- Jump on trampoline
- Climb stairs
- Go on a bike ride
- Hop on the treadmill
- Take the dog for a walk
- Move your arms/legs while sitting in a chair
If you need more suggestions, leave a comment and tell us more about yourself.
Are you going to join us and get active for the rest of the month?
GiGi Eats says
I always get up at 5am, get a little computer work done and then BAM – THE GYM I GO! It’s a no excuse thing for me, much like brushing my teeth. IT HAS TO GET DONE because I feel 1000000% better afterwards!! Nothing quite like a sweat session to gain energy and a mood boost! USE IT! USE IT!