Yep I know, it’s already halfway through the month. Better late than never. Life took over for a few months so I wanted to do a quick life update and share goals for this year.
In November, we went on a last minute cruise. Our first one. And we loved it. I’m still writing that post over on Newton’s Travels, our travel blog but should have it up no later than next week. Hold me accountable to it.
Once we returned from the cruise, we were preparing for my mom and dad to come for a visit from Indiana. They were here 5 days over Christmas and it was a blast. Lots of laughs and tons of shopping! Sure wish they would move closer. Maybe one day *wink*
Our Christmas celebration was wonderful as usual. We had a family get together the Saturday before Christmas at my stepdaughter’s house. And then our yearly tradition of Christmas Eve family Christmas at my stepson and daughter in law’s home. Both gatherings were so much fun. They were great hosts!

After Christmas, we had a week until our anniversary. We celebrated our 22nd anniversary on New Year’s Eve at Seasons 52. It was a delicious dinner although I had not been feeling all that well. I went to bed early that night. That was the first time ever that I missed staying up until midnight watching the New Year’s Eve celebrations on TV (except for the time we spent our anniversary in Jamaica lol).
So right up until last week I was feeling awful. And Kev had been sick for over a month by that point. So our 2019 didn’t start out as great as we would have liked but we are starting to feel better. And hey at least it’s the beginning of the year so we should be smooth sailing the rest of 2019 right?
Don’t you love my new coloring calendar? So cute.

That downtime while I was sick was used to rest and to plan my year. I’m really excited for all that’s to come.
Angie’s 2019 Goals
Three of my main goals for this year include:
- Focus more on self care (fitness, health, eating, etc.)
- Declutter. A lot!
- Read more.
I am working on a plan for better self care. This will include getting back into the home gym on a consistent basis. My goal will be to workout/exercise at least 3 days a week to start. Those workouts will be 20 minutes. If I plan any more, I am likely to give it up. I DO want to do more but that is where I will start.
Eat more greens. Eat less crap. That’s all.
Even though January is Weight Loss Awareness Month, I have decided this year that I’m a plus size blogger, not a weight loss blogger. I want to be healthy and happy in my own skin in its current state lol and hopefully the outcome will be weight loss with more activity. I would rather focus on being strong and healthy over losing weight. Does that make sense?
So here’s the plan of attack for self care:
- Set manageable goals
- Stay consistent
- Keep accountable to someone (my accountability buddy at Life via Rikaine)
- Change it up (keep things interesting by doing a variety of fitness and make it fun!)
- Give myself grace
Getting started with the right mindset is hopefully going to set me up to have a winning year. I want to enjoy the journey instead of trying to get right to the destination. Ya know?
What are your self care goals for this year?

As for decluttering, we have already started a little bit. We went to Home Depot this weekend and grabbed some totes to help in the process. We got a new coffee pot from mom and dad for Christmas (the Ninja Hot & Cold Brew System) and set that up this weekend (it’s awesome by the way!). We reorganized cabinets to make our coffee mugs, coffee and accessories more accessible near the coffee machine. In doing that, we cleared out a box full of mugs/glasses, etc that we no longer need. I think we should let go of more but it will come.
I’m sure you can guess with all the declutter talk, that I have watched Tidying Up, the new show out on Netflix (I guess there is a book from this gal too, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up that I need to read). I can’t wait for more episodes. So many great tips and ideas came out of that. I look forward to decluttering more. I did get rid of some old office papers too so that’s good.
As for reading, I’m going to ease into it. My goal is 1 page a day whether it be business or personal books. Yep that’s all. However I started a list last week called 50 Things to Do Before 50 and reading 50 books by the time I turn 50 in 3 years is one of the things on that list. Oh my! Big scary goal. Listening to books via Audible has come highly recommended. So I might try that this year too. Have you used Audible?
Choosing a Word

There has been a lot of talk about choosing a word for the year. I always choose a word but never do anything with it. This year, I plan to change that. The word I chose is SHINE. I want to shine in many areas of my life. I even colored some pages that I put in my office to give me a daily reminder of what it is I’m striving for and to go for it. Did you choose a word? If so, what is it?
So there you have it, a peek into my 2019 goals. I really feel this is going to be a truly awesome year for all of us. I have been following the Tut.com Love Your Life Project. You go through and get clear about your priorities, visualize, set daily affirmations and get inspired. It’s been really awesome and has made me think a lot about how I want to see my life from this moment forward.
I hope you all are doing great and I would love to hear from you. Jump in the comments below or join me over on Facebook to chat on Her Grand Life. Here’s to a fantastic year!
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