Why lose weight?
Does it matter why you want to lose weight?
Is it wrong if I lose weight only to outshine my ex husband’s younger wife? Is it wrong if I stick to my diet every day, exercise extra, and just all around become the perfect fat burning machine as well as become the Diet Master to my husband and our family just so that we all look better than them? Really, is it so wrong?
Some would say that you have to lose weight for the right reasons. We all know that the right reason is supposed to be for better health and that looking better is just a side effect. Well, to that I say “Bah Humbug!” The truth is, I hardly care about my health most of the time. I’m lucky, I am pretty healthy no matter my weight, at least I am today.
I figure it doesn’t really matter from where the motivation comes. If you get it from inside yourself, or if you get it from wanting to look better than someone else; I say, Go For It! Whatever it takes to get you there as long as you remember that getting there is the easy part.
As someone who has lost and gained hundreds of pounds over the years I can attest to the fact of that last sentence. It’s easy to do anything temporarily. It’s really hard to do something permanently. Honestly, I hope this time is my last time, but right now I don’t care.
At my daughter’s graduation this May, I will look great!
Stephanie is a Virtual Assistant https://www.stephaniewatson-va.com and just started a community to help others who struggle with weight issues. https://www.toughloveweightloss.com
Keith says
I can honestly say the only person I lose weight for is myself. I remember when I was carrying that extra 40 pounds of fat around. I felt and looked like s***.
I didn’t reach my target in 2009, but I’m going to get there in 2010 and as always I will be recording my progress on my blog.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone
Keith @ My Body Fat’s last blog post..Weekly Weigh In December 24th 2009
Shannon - The Shrinking Mommy says
You are right. The only person who can find the motiviation to lose the weight is ourself. And the reason I use, is a reason personal to me. It’s my choices and my motivation that will do the work.
When my 3 yo daughter made her transformation from obese to skinny, I made the food choices for her, but no one can do that for me. while I’ve wanted to lose the weight before, it took finding that special motivation that talks to my heart and that will get me through to my goal.
And you will get to yours!
Shannon – The Shrinking Mommy’s last blog post..Healthy Choices Christmas Challenge – Day 9