This week’s workouts went really well except I’m totally exhausted. For a few weeks Kev and I have decided to take off two days a week since this running is so new to us and you know me and injuries ha! I think I did OK except once again I didn’t get in any strength training. So here is what I accomplished this week.
*Spin class
Time: 1 hr. 8 min.
Calories burned: 718
Time: 38 min.
Miles: 2.0 (ran .68)
Calories burned: 383
Time: 15 min.
Miles: 1.3
Calories burned: 172
*Spin class
Time: 1 hr. 3 min.
Calories burned: 704
Time: 35 min.
Miles: 1.88 (ran 6-one minute run intervals between walking)
Calories burned: 380
Friday & Saturday- Day Off
*Spin class
Time: 1 hr 3 min.
Calories burned: 711
Time: 35 min.
Miles: 1.94 (ran 7-1 min. 30 second run intervals between walking)
That was my first week running and boy is it a challenge! My hip hurts and the pain in my shins during running is horrible. I sure hope this gets better LOL This week I start trying to run for one minute 30 second run intervals and since I tried it today I know it’s going to be hard. But this past week up until today I ran a 3.5-3.7 and today I did 4.5-4.7. Keeping up with these numbers is difficult. I do have a journal I take to the gym to write all this down and it gets confusing so I will just share the basics in my daily exercise log.
If you are a runner and have any tips, I would love to hear them! I’m also looking for some really good headbands for running, spinning, etc. Any suggestions would be helpful.
Hi Angie!
My number one tip for a brand new runner is *stick with it*!!! You can do it!
Secondly, warm up for real. Walk for 5-10 minutes at a progressively increasing pace before each run.
Thirdly, stretch like it’s your job. If the front of your hips hurt, you should definitely get deep into a lunge, keeping your back leg straight (like warrior one if you do yoga), until you feel it in the front of your hip. If it’s the side of your hips, hold onto something, cross one ankle over the other knee, and pretend to sit down until you feel the stretch in the side of your hip (your iliotibial band).
Fourth, ice ice ice. Especially the shins.
Fifth, run at a slight (one button press) incline. It will better replicate outdoor running, give more calorie burn, *and* might even help your shins.
Good luck!!!!
Laura @ Strong and Steady’s last blog post..Runner’s Walk of Shame
Thank you so much for taking the time to give me your running tips. I have doing the walking warm ups but was staying at one pace so I’ll up that. I am bad about stretching so I will be sure to take your advice and make it my job. I was wrong about the hip, hubby says it’s my sciatic? But all those suggestions are very helpful and I’ll use them! I knew I should be icing my shins and it was recommended that I do the slight incline running so I’ll make sure to do those too. If that could potentially help my shins, I’m all for it. ha!
Going to click over to your blog and add it to my reader ASAP. You have been very helpful and I truly appreciate your time!
I’m not a runner and never have been so I can’t give you any tips. I guess the only thing I can think of to say is take it slow and steady lol
Tishia Lee’s last blog post..Reality Check
Awesome to see you’ve made it a few days on the treadmill! Whenever I’ve taken an extended period off of running, my body is definitely aching after I pick it back up again. Thankfully, after slowly breaking back into it over a couple weeks, my body adjusts……hopefully yours does the same!
Thanks Tishia and Edeth!