Here we are in the middle of Healthy Weight Week. The tip I have for today is to try something new when it comes to fitness! Whether it be to add an additional 30 minute workout to your week, take the stairs instead of the elevator, jog on the treadmill or take a new class at the gym or Y, try something new.
Well today was my weigh in day and I have lost nothing. I thought for sure I would because I added more workouts (running!) to my schedule and I watched my portions and how I ate but nope didn’t see any change yet. Probably building muscle right? Ahhh we can only hope!
Gosh I really want one of these at home now…..just sayin’! OK, moving on
Running has been a big challenge but last night although my shins hurt the worst they have since I started running I had my best running day. I actually started out thinking this week I would bump my running intervals up to 1 min. 30 but I just didn’t feel ready to continue with that so I went back to 1 minute intervals and ran those at a speed of between 4.5-4.7 mph. AND I did 8 intervals in 40 minutes which is my best day yet (I know it doesn’t sound like much). It was recommended that I bump the incline up to help with my shins (ohh they hurt so bad LOL) and it did help a little. I tried going to .5 up to 2 incline but think I’ll try 1.5 incline on Sunday (tonight is spin class and then I take 2 days off).
I sure can’t wait until I get better at this running umm jogging! I don’t think my form is very good (hubby says I run like a penguin HA HA) and maybe that is why my shins are hurting so bad? I don’t know but at this moment I am not sure I can see myself completing the 1/2 marathon. 13.1 miles is daunting and I’m scared to death! But we are going to sign up for it soon and then I’ll just have to do the best I can. I know once I lose more weight, running will get easier so I just gotta keep pushing myself to get to that point.
Oh yea and I did ice my shins and stretched when I got home last night. Two of the trainers at the gym gave me some stretching moves to help with the shins and my sciatic too.
Two things I’m happy about though are that (knock on wood) my knees have not bothered me AT ALL since I started running last week and I have been listening to my body and not overdoing it as sometimes I can with new workouts where I go gung-ho and then pay for it later.
LISTEN TO YOUR BODY is my new mantra! Trying something new has definitely been a challenge but I think as I go along I’ll get better.
Have you tried something new lately?
Angie, I am so proud of you! You are really stretching yourself with this goal and you WILL succeed!
As for me I need to start exercising twice a day. I am going to start doing strength training as well. I am not sure if this will start this week or next but I am going to do it!!
Danielle’s last blog post..Sunday Quote: Organize Your Home
Thanks Danielle!
I would love to get in 2 workouts a day and strength training is something that keeps getting put on the back burner so I need to make that change ASAP.
Hey Angie, I walk every day but I just started doing intervals, walking/running, however after three days my knees started hurting, a lot!
It’s been almost a week later and they still hurt
I think I ruined any chance of ever running again. For me I’m going to have to stick to walking.
I’m sad about that because running can be such a great cardiovascular workout and I feel so good after it. Guess the knees just can’t take it
That is great that you walk every day, Liz! It takes time with the running and I am still struggling big time with it almost 6 months later but I’m still trying ha ha For once in my life, I don’t have too many knee issues with running BUT the breathing is another story. Thanks for stopping by the blog.