Happy Friday! Today we are ending Healthy Weight Week on the blog (my special guest had a delay but will be here soon so be on the lookout)
Today’s Tip: Give yourself a pep talk
A little positive self talk goes a long way. There are times that I really have to give myself a pep talk to keep me going. Lately when I’m on the treadmill and even after a treadmill workout, I have to keep telling myself that adding this running challenge to my plate will not only help me prepare way in advance for the 1/2 marathon in Dec. BUT it is a new workout that will potentially kick my weight/inch loss into gear again after being stuck for quite some time.
Positive self talk helps you focus on your goals and what you plan to achieve. Picture everything you want to achieve in your head and it makes it much easier.
I think the reason that I am a truly positive person and have not given up on this journey is because of my consistent positive self talk. When I start to feel down or defeated, I give myself a pep talk and that usually helps me move forward. It gives me the confidence to keep going!
Some positive self talk I use:
I love to workout because exercise makes me strong
Running will help me with weight/inch loss
Eating healthy foods makes me strong
Having a positive attitude helps too!
Do you ever give yourself a pep talk?
I’m convinced that mind-set, giving your self a pep talk, keeping the goals in front of us, are just as key (if not more so) than the actual exercise and nutrition.
The last 10 days have been challenging for me, and pep talks and mindset materials are what has kept me going, keeping my focus, and making sure that i got back on track and kept on track.
Definitely a key point Angie!!
Shannon – The Shrinking Mommy’s last blog post..Losing 100+ pounds – Weekly Update – Week 11
Hi there, just wanted to let you know I subscribed to your blog. I’m a friend of Tishia Lee’s and she suggested I follow you
I just started weight watchers and need all the support I can get. I look forward to getting to know you through your blog and perhaps on Twitter. 
I give myself peptalks all the time! Positivity is the single most important aspect of a healthy ME. Good question.
Jasmine @ Eat Move Write’s last blog post..A Little Food, Double Shot of Starbucks, and A LOT of Pictures
Love the pep talk idea Angie!
For me today? “I will not eat a big ass burger at lunch!”
Love all the melting snow!
Biz’s last blog post..Awesome Grocery Shop!
Go for it Angie. You can do the running, you’ll get there.
.-= Diana´s last blog ..WW – Black Quinoa (or Black Gold) =-.
Shannon, I think it’s key too!
Mary, so glad to see you here.
Here here Jasmine!
Ha ha Biz! You crack me up.
And thanks, Diana, I will get there!