I had the pleasure of interviewing Tosca Reno of The Eat Clean Diet series of books. Over the next two days I’ll be sharing her answers to my interview questions and we’ll be doing a giveaway (or FIVE) this weekend of her brand new book, The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged.
So without further ado, let’s welcome the fabulous Tosca Reno!
Here are 5 of the 10 questions that I asked Tosca with her answers.
1) If I were to come to your home for dinner what meal would you serve?
I would serve kale chips and crudités with hummus and yogurt cheese dip as an appetizer, my Beef and Walnut Stir Fry (from Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Cookbook) for dinner and my Chocolate-Coated Frozen Bananas (from The Eat-Clean Diet Recharged!) for dessert. Is your mouth watering yet?
2) What are your recommendations for sticking to a weight/strength/ab training schedule?
I recommend that people decide on a schedule and stick to it. Put those dates and times into your calendar and treat your workouts like any other appointments. I also advise people to keep a workout journal to record their progress and see where they need to make changes. The best time to work out is whenever you’ll do it. I prefer to work out in the morning, so I have to rest of the day to concentrate on other things, while others prefer to work out after dinner or at lunch.
3) I have decided to run the 1/2 marathon at the Reggae Marathon in Jamaica. What is your #1 running tip?
Stay focused and don’t be afraid to take rest days. Your body needs time to recoup and repair to grow stronger.
4) What is the best way to start cutting back on processed foods?
Make simple switches. For example, stop drinking pop and start drinking water. Throw out all of your white bread, pasta and rice and purchase whole-grain versions. Have healthy snacks on hand so instead of reaching for the chips and cookies (which shouldn’t be in your house anyway!) you can grab air-popped, unbuttered popcorn or trail mix.
5) What are your personal thoughts on the vegetarianism and veganism lifestyles?
I am not a vegetarian or a vegan but I understand why people choose to live their lives that way. As long as they are eating a wide variety of fruits, whole grains, vegetables and proteins (nuts, beans, soy products, protein powder) there is no reason why vegetarians and vegans can’t Eat Clean or lead healthy lifestyles. I eat a few meatless dinners each week – I feel healthier and it reduces my carbon footprint on the earth.
Excellent answers and I would sure love to have dinner with Tosca wouldn’t you? I have reviewed many of Tosca Reno’s Eat Clean Diet books and cookbooks and they are great. Be sure to check them out!
Come back tomorrow for part 2 of my interview with Tosca where you’ll learn the best foods to eat before and after a workout AND she answers some of my blog reader’s questions.
Do you have any of the Eat Clean Diet books?
where can you buy this cookbook?
I want to eat that dinner!!!
I totally want to go to dinner at her house – it sounds delicious!! Enjoyed the interview – can’t wait to read the rest! 🙂
.-= Lisa Marie Mary´s last blog ..Sparkpeople.com Is So Awesome =-.
Great questions and her answers are totally doable! Thanks for sharing.
.-= Marie-MomSoapBox´s last blog ..Cross Vlog Conversation =-.
Angie, I’m so glad you got to interview Tosca. My wife is a big fan of hers…and over half the meals we eat are from her books.
.-= Rich @ Life Compass´s last blog ..By: Karen McGreevey =-.
I love Tosca’s books! I have most of them and and I’ve made each of those recipes above….each one is more delicious than the next!
Although, having dinner with Tosca would be much more exciting!! I love that Beef & Walnut Stir Fry, and the Kale Chips…and the Frozen Bananas!
Yep my mouth is watering and I don’t even eat beef. I’m definitely going to have to check out some of her cookbooks!
.-= Shannon – The Shrinking Mommy´s last blog ..Healthy Food Choices: Napa Valley Salad with Cranberries and Almonds =-.
Great advice. I don’t know if I could bring myself to throw out perfectly good food(processed or not) I could however donate it to a homeless shelter. I got quite a workout shoveling snow last week, so I’ll have to start with the eliptical again on Monday!
Great advice Ladies,
I don’t know if we will ever reach the summit of our weight loss mountain, but with this information I am sure to have a good shot at it.
Very enjoyed interviews.
Leigh Kostiainen
.-= Leigh Kostiainen´s last blog ..Hire My Mum on ABC Radio =-.
I enjoyed reading your helpful tips. Congratulations on your weight loss. You look great!
Wow, just reading this made me hungry, LOL! Seriously ~ I’m watching my weight now so thanks for sharing this information!
Thank you all for your great comments. I’m happy you enjoyed my interview with Tosca.
Pablo, I would definitely donate that processed food for sure, good reminder to us all.
Great interview, Angie! I just ordered the Eating Client book and workout book, so I’m excited.
Thank you, Patty! I’m sure you will enjoy the books you ordered.