This week I have come across some great blog posts, giveaways, new websites and more! Hope you enjoy. And do feel free to share in the comments any great links you came across this week as well.
This past week I started my own Facebook fan page. Here is the long awaited Losing It and Loving It Healthy Weight Loss and Fitness fan page. YEA! I started with a goal of 50 new fans by Monday, March 1st and I’m almost there. Won’t you join us and invite your friends? And while you’re there be sure to tell me what you would like to see.
Kimberly talks about the important supplement we all need, Vitamin D! I just love her blog and isn’t she so pretty? Kimberly always provides excellent info on her blog so I hope you’ll check it out.
Another one of my favorite bloggers is Sabrina from Rhodey Girl Tests! You can find some awesome healthy recipes over on her blog and I just love her positive energy and of course her great relationship with her hubby.
News Nugget from Sahar about how interval training can cut exercise hours dramatically. Can’t wait to learn more!
And lastly some of my friends started a new blog over at Plus Size Bloggers that you might want to check out. It’s all about staying accountable with your weigh in’s. I stopped weighing in there for a while because I want to focus more on eating healthy and inch loss but I know looking at the scale every so often will help me stay on track so who knows I might join in at some point but I wanted to let you know about since I think it might be a fun way to stay accountable for some of you! You can sign up for the tracking contest here.
Hope you enjoyed the links this week! It’s been a challenging 2 weeks not being able to workout due to pneumonia but I am hoping that Monday will be the start of a great week. I have to go back in slowly so I’m going to try for 3 days of spinning. Can’t run for at least another week due to one of the meds I’m on but when I can start again, watch out LOL
Have a great weekend and Happy Friday!
Hi Angie,
Just checking on you to see how you are feeling… thinking about you.
Thanks for checking in! I’m doing much better but still haven’t been to the gym to workout. I am actually taking it easy and not pushing myself because I really want to go back full steam next week. I am still coughing pretty bad and am stuffed up but hope to get back to spin class either tomorrow or Sunday. Then back to normal schedule and running on Monday! YEA!
Thanks so much for the shout out! 😉
.-= FatFighterTV´s last blog ..Pirates’ Booty giveaway =-.
You’re welcome!