We all know that when it comes to weight loss, real life can get in the way and many times we fall off the wagon right? Well, Linda Spangle, author of 100 Days of Weight Loss
agrees and has set up an approach that I think can help us all stay focused and consistent.
Over on my new Losing It and Loving It Facebook fan page, we are going to be following her book and every day I will be posting one of the daily assignments from the book for you to focus on. You are more than welcome to open up and share your thoughts with everyone or just keep it to yourself.
I’m asking that everyone find a notebook or journal and sign up for the 100 Days Challenge online as well. The whole goal is to keep you on track with your weight loss/fitness goals for 100 days! There are a lot of great charts, reports, calendars, etc. to help you along the way.
Your 1st step should you choose to accept it, is to create a vision for the future. Think about and write down in your notebook/journal at least 10 reasons why you want to lose weight and maintain your success.
If you want to purchase the 100 Days of Weight Loss book, you can do so for the low low price of $6 (as of 3/1/10). I purchased the original book a while ago so the cover for the one online looks different than the copy I have but it seems to have the same information.
I’m looking forward to following your success and sharing mine as well!
Hope you’ll join us and participate on Facebook!
Oh yeah I’m so jumping on board with this 100 days of Weight Loss challenge! Thanks for sharing it. Think I might check into getting my hands on a copy of her book too 🙂
.-= Tishia Lee´s last blog ..Week #8 Weigh In – I LOVE The Scale Again =-.
So excited to hear you’re jumping on board! Looks like we have some activity over on my Facebook fan page so please join in on the fun. I’m looking forward to seeing what these next 100 days bring. I’m not really jumping ahead in the book to even see what the next topic will be so we will pretty much all be doing it together. The book does have much more info than I will be putting out there and I imagine the newer version has even more than the book I have. Hope you enjoy!
Angie – I am so happy I found this blog post – it is so timely for me as I am desperately trying to lose weight before my highschool reunion. I joined your facebook fan page and look forward to being motivated!
.-= Marie´s last blog ..TT: Back to Working Out =-.
Yea Marie! I’m so glad you found this helpful and thank you for joining my Facebook fan page. Trying to really get everyone involved over there so feel free to share anything you want.
Getting ready for a high school reunion is such a great motivation! I know you can do it.
I LOVE this book! It’s one of my fav’s….I’ve started it twice but haven’t made the 100 days yet 🙂
.-= Danica´s last blog ..You’d think it was my Birthday too! =-.