…..didn’t end so well. I kicked butt the 1st two days but got a massive ear infection that took me down for the remainder of the week and I am still feeling pretty bad. I have truly missed the gym and working out this week. It’s like I get going really good and then something happens. It’s been a challenge for sure. I am going to personal training tomorrow no matter what but I’ll have to take it easy. Other than that nothing much else is going on except I’m sure soon I’ll have to be making a decision about my elderly cat. She hasn’t been doing well and you know how the rest goes. She is such a sweetie, it’s really sad.
On to my workouts for the week, so exciting ha ha
*Walk outside
Time: 31 min.
Miles: 1.34
Calories burned: 192
Went to the Nippersink Forest Preserve today and really had a great time. It was a nice walk and I look forward to running there soon.
Time: 30 min.
Miles: 1.79
Calories burned: 294
Today I did 6 running intervals @1:15. Getting better at it but really want it to be more.
*Stretching after running
Time: 5-7 min.
*Strength Training (abs/lower body)
Time: 20 min.
Time: 10 min.
Miles: .86
Calories burned: 110
*Personal training (upper body)
Time: 30 min.
Time: 25 min.
Miles: 1.46
Calories burned: 275
*Stretching after running
Time: 5-7 min.
Wednesday-Sunday nothing, nada, zilch, bummed out!
I’m hoping I can at least get back into the swing this week. We have our family reunion coming up next weekend so I am busy planning a menu for that of what I will take now that I have gone flexitarian. We also always have an auction to raise money for various charities so we all bring items from around the house that others can bid on. I have no clue what we’ll take this year so I have to get looking around the house for what to bring.
Hope you had a great week! I would love to hear about your workouts.
What was the most exercise fun you had this week?
I love this picture! So perfect for your week! I hope your ear starts feeling better!
.-= Danielle ´s last blog ..How to Enter Mail In Sweepstakes updated Fri Feb 12 2010 3:28 pm CST =-.
I plugged sad in the search at Flickr and I thought it totally fit my week. Hilarious! Thanks and I hope I the ear ache goes away soon.
Angie, good luck this week! I just had a great Pilates session, and for the first time in four years was able to lower myself in a plank position for a slow count of 20. Now considering world domination.
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat’s health…we had a similar autumn last year with our 14 year-old tabby, Joey. I wish you a lot of quiet cuddling time while you make some hard decisions.
.-= Melanie@TravelsWithTwo´s last blog ..Strange Shrines of the Peloponnese =-.
Thank you! Congrats on the awesome Pilates session, great accomplishment.
Thank you for the kind words about my cat. Pebbles is 18 years old…still can’t believe that.
Gosh I hope you are feeling better soon too. I have to make a decision about my pet rat. And I know that people don’t like them very much I too was the same. But they are the most adorable pets! And I don’t want to put him down! Too Sad:(
Well done on the exercise front for the first few days. I also read somewhere this evening about exercise being the natural solution to depression. I feel down when I haven’t been able to exercise. You could be feeling the same way.
My jolly children gave me the flu and I did no exercise for a week and a half. I was so week and sick I couldn’t be bothered. But now that I am feeling better I am going for gold!
.-= Kelly´s last blog ..Baby Nightlight And Soother Activated By Sound =-.
Hi Kelly, thank you! So sorry to hear about your rat. I absolutely adore rats and have wanted one for the longest time. Sending good thoughts your way. I agree about exercise being a natural source for depression, I think it’s so good for that but I’m no doctor so don’t take my word ha. Glad to hear you’re feeling better. Make it a great day!
Hope you were able to make it to the trainer yesterday and that you feel better this week!
Sorry about your cat too – our dog is the first pet I’ve owned and he’s 11 and I think that is on the old side for a black lab!
Thanks for checking up on me! I was able to make it to the gym yesterday and today and I rocked it even though I’m not 100% yet. My ear is feeling a ton better but the pain is still there.
It’s definitely not easy when a pet gets older and we have to deal with this stuff. I just wish she would go naturally so I don’t have to make that decision again.
So sorry about the ear infection! I hope you feel better lickety-split!
.-= Stephanie´s last blog ..twenty-ten =-.
Thanks bunches, Stephanie. I’m having some issues right now due to the ear infection but otherwise I’m OK.
Your exercise is awesome, very good! I love your happy face and not-so-happy face stickers! Very cute! Hope everything goes well and keep it up! I enjoy reading, thanks!
.-= Debbi Does Dinner Healthy´s last blog ..Apple Baked Oatmeal =-.
Thank you Debbi!
The photo source is linked to at the bottom this blog post if you care to ever use it.
Feel better soon! I hate it when being sick interferes with your exercise schedule. BTW, love the smileys/frownies on the calendar.
Just checking in!! Hope all is well, especially with this hot weather coming our way!