So my new trainer had me try out this new (to me) piece of gym equipment where you can do a variety of things but he tried to get me to do vertical knee raises and I completely failed LOL I have now challenged myself to be able to accomplish this task by the end of September. It is so hard because I have hardly any really good upper body strength. Hubby can hop on it and go to town and not only do knee lifts but leg lifts too. I have a really long way to go! Have you ever seen this vertical knee raise machine?
I have tried it a few times now and just have to laugh every time because I really do look like a total fool on it HA HA! It’s going to be a major challenge. Please send good thoughts my way because I’ll really need them LOL
I have been in a poopy mood lately when it comes to running, weight loss, etc. and just need to get out of the funk. I am most likely going to have to face the fact that I won’t be able to run the 1/2 marathon and it wasn’t for lack of trying. I’m pretty sure I’m going to go in the race to run the 1/2 marathon BUT I am going to find out where the 10k runners will break off just in case I’m having issues at that point. So a definite run/walk is in my future and I’ll mostly be walking due to the breathing issues. No worries, I’m just bummed about it but want to try to get something out of it because we did pay over $80 EACH to participate. We’ll see how it all plays out! And it’s not until Dec. so I still have some time to figure it all out.
Workouts for the week went OK but I definitely SLACKED!
*Personal Training (legs/core)
Time: 30 min.
*Mowed the lawn
Time: 2 hrs
Tuesday- Day off
*Spin class
Time: 60 min.
Thursday- Day off
*Personal Training (upper body)
Time: 30 min.
*Zoo walking ALL DAY LONG
Went to the zoo and had a blast but it was long and exhausting. I got to touch the rays, it was so awesome!
*Spin class
Time: 60 min.
How did your week go?
Sending good thoughts your way!
Do I know vertical raise machines? You bet I do. I know them because I can’t usually do anything with them. Or I can, but because I’m so short (5ft 1in) and have really short upper arms, I usually end up exercising the muscles in my armpits! They get really sore….
I have been able to use the vertical raise machine properly only in one women’s gym in the past.
.-= Satu´s last blog ..How To Heal A Runner’s Knee =-.
I didn’t even know you could do the knee lifts on this. I’ve only seen the guys do the leg lifts. I am going to try it. I can do about 5 leg lifts before my muscles give out. It really works those lower abs, though.
Yes most definitely you can do the knee raises on this. I finally was able to do 5 (not in a row obviously) but it was better than zero right? It’s definitely supposed to help the lower abs once they are strong enough to perform the exercise ha. Looking forward to hearing how you like it.