Today we have a guest post from my friend Roey!
How To Stay Healthy On Vacation
By Roey Pimentel of
Learning how to stay healthy on vacation is easier than some may think. There are several basic tips for mastering how to stay healthy.
Some of the basic principles of how to stay healthy during the year apply to your vacation time as well. Many people hit a wall when it comes to diet and exercise while on vacation because of mindset. For some the term, “vacation” applies to their diet and exercise program. That boils down to mindset. This is a really important point! Overcoming this obstacle can have far greater benefits on how to stay healthy that reach far beyond your vacation.
In other words, if you want to take a vacation from your routine, then something in that routine is not working for you. To illustrate this point – would you want to go on vacation without your spouse or significant other? Your answer is probably “no.” But if you answered “yes” to that question, there may be an issue with your relationship that needs attention. This is the same with your diet and exercise routine. If you are looking forward to abandoning it while on vacation, you may need to re-evaluate your diet and exercise program. Once you tweak your program to one that you are comfortable living with, then it is time to plan how to stay healthy on vacation.
Mindset is the key to learning how to stay healthy on vacation. This is especially true if you are vacationing at an all-inclusive-resort. When a seemingly unending amount of delicious food is put in front of you, the temptation can be to “want to get your money’s worth” or to taste everything that is available. The way to conquer this is to change your mindset. Rather than thinking of the money spent, change that thought to something like, “I am making an investment in my health and my future with everything I eat.” Make a conscious decision with every bite you take. Is that morsel a good investment in you? Healthy options can be delicious options.
Another way of thing is to remember eating well and maintaining proper portion control will allow you to feel better. When you feel better you are able to enjoy your vacation more. Employ the little tricks you have learned back home when eating on vacation. Have the salad dressing, but request it on the side. Then either dip your salad bites individually into the side of dressing, or pour the amount you decide is appropriate onto your plate. You are in control of your diet and portion! Request your meals be prepared in a healthy manner. Instead of fried fish, request broiled fish. If whole milk is offered, request skim milk instead. These little changes and substitutions go a long way in winning the calorie game.
There are many activities available while on vacation. If you are staying at a resort or on a cruise, chances are there is a dedicated gym available for your use. If going to the gym is part of your exercise routine back home, try and get to the gym while on vacation as well. It doesn’t have to be a full workout, but do something. Then of course, the rest of your daily exercise will be accomplished through the fun vacation activities. Swimming is a great form of exercise. If you are a runner, consider running along the beach. You will get an intense workout and have beautiful scenery to motivate you. Imagine the memories you will make! Take those memories home after vacation and use them for motivation throughout the rest of the year.
Learning how to stay healthy on vacation is easy with the right mindset and a little planning.
Visit Roey’s vacation blog for more tips, reviews, and deals for planning a great family vacation.
What tips do you have on how to stay healthy on vacation?
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