Today’s Tip: Choosing the right weight size for strength training
I have been doing some research on how best to choose the correct weight size and number of repetitions when it comes to using weights in the gym.
Strength training for those that don’t know is the use of free weights or weight machines and it’s an exercise that will work the muscles to the point of fatigue.
The overall consensus is that it’s best to start with 1-3 sets of 10-12 reps. And when you arrive at rep 10, you should start to feel that it’s harder to keep going. If there is no difficulty, the weight resistance is too low. Pick a weight size you think would work for you and experiment with it. If you feel it’s too light, increase the weight by 5 lbs. If it’s too much, decrease by 5 lbs. Do this until you feel you’re at a good weight.
In all the research I have found it looks like I have been doing OK. I keep a mini journal with me at the gym and always record the name of each piece of exercise equipment I use, the total weight, sets and reps that I complete. I usually do strength training 2-3 times a week for approximately 20 minutes. Each time, I choose to work a different group of muscles.
Do you participate in strength training? If so, what are your favorite exercises?
I enjoy using resistance bands, the hip abductor and the hip adductor.
Annette says
good tips! I do core strength training which used my own body weight! Quite a workout!
Annette’s last blog post..A Fun Friday Morning 😉
Betty says
So happy I ran into your site, I’m going to try this tips. I need to start doing some strength training and have been putting it off. 🙁
Betty’s last blog post..By: Cindy
Angie says
Annette: Good for you for doing core strength training. What types of things do you do?
Betty, welcome to my blog. I’m glad you found it too. As you can see on my most recent post, I put strength training off this week too. Naughty naughty LOL
Peter says
Very informative blog Angie.
I love to do squats and lunges for my legs and use dumbbells to train my arms.
Peter | Workout Equipment’s last blog post..Concept2 Model D Indoor Rowing Machine Review | Quiet Air Rower With Performance Monitor
Angie says
Thanks Peter!
I love squats too but the last time I did them was with a medicine ball and I pulled something in my back. It was so painful, I have been afraid to try again. As for lunges, I have bad knees so I can’t really do them but I try to go as low as I can.
Great site you have with workout equipment reviews. Hubby and I would really like to set up a home gym in our garage with an Elliptical, Treadmill and I would love a rowing machine.
Jake Grohl says
Some good information here. Just blog-hopping, checking what’s out there within my niche. Keep up the good work!
Jake Grohl’s last blog post..Open Question: what is dr. suzanne’s gudakunst secret?
MizFit says
and all.
and love.
MizFit’s last blog post..Link Love & Temporary Tats.
Angie says
Hiya Miz, I definitely know you are big on strength training and your body shows. You are my hero!
MizFit says
youre so sweet.
being thisclose to 40 its a whole lot more effort than being thisclose to 30 🙂
MizFit’s last blog post..Body Image: How can we be healthy role models?