I’m compiling all my workout exercises into one post this week. It’s been a busy week and I have been quite exhausted and think I might be getting a cold. Drinking nice warm tea right now in hopes that it will all go away.
The week started out slow for me but I think overall I did pretty well.
Monday- Day Off
Tuesday- Day Off
Time: 41 minutes
Calories burned: 362
*Buns of Steel DVD (I recently won this in a contest)
Time: 25 minutes (partial video)
Calories burned: 109
Time: 50 minutes
Miles: 4.71
Calories burned: 814
*Walk Away the Pounds 2 mile Brisk DVD
Time: 31 minutes
Miles: 2
Calories burned: 369
*Rebounder while listening to ipod
Time: 12 minutes
Calories burned: 154
*Spin class (Endurance, extra time in class today yikes!)
Time: 1 hour 13 min
Calories burned: 961
Time: 10 minutes
Miles: .88
Calories burned: 152
*Spin Class (Strength)
Time: 53 minutes
Calories burned: 859
Having some knee issues this week but hubs bought me a knee brace that I can use while doing in-home walking and other workouts so that should help. I didn’t do well with strength training this week, in fact I didn’t do any. I really need to get on that for sure.
I usually take Monday’s off after a full weekend of crazy spin classes but I am going to try to make it to the Monday night spin class this week and then I’ll take Tuesday’s off. We shall see! I’m looking for ways to make up for the 1700 calorie loss from having to give up kickboxing 3x a week so if this spin class works out that will help a lot.
How did your workout exercises go last week? I would love to hear all about it.
Make this week a great one!
Hi Angie!
My “week” goes Tuesday to end of Monday. I have 410 minutes of cardio in so far. Maybe half of that is elliptical. The rest is Sansone walking. Not sure of cals burned – too much work to find out. LOL
sounds like you had a good week. I like that you are adding another day of spin. I want that to work for you.
Make it a great week!
linda’s last blog post..Sunday Quick Shock…eeek
I’ve had a cough for five days in a row, so even walking downstairs to do laundry sets me off on a coughing spree!
Hopefully it will go away soon! Good job on your exercises though!
Biz’s last blog post..Mmmm…..dip.
whats the deal with the knee do you think?
does it bug you during spinning??
MizFit’s last blog post..What’s your PR?
I’m impressed! You rock on girlfriend.
Nell @ Casual Friday Everyday’s last blog post..She’s Fat
Thanks for the kind comments.
Linda: Way to go on your workouts. Loved the extra day of spin last night and might go for one more. That would be 4 days a week if I can make it.
Biz: Hope you’re feeling better. It’s no fun being sick. I have a migraine today ick.
Miz: I forget what the knee issue is called. It was from kickboxing and I had to have a shot so it sometimes gets sore if I do too much. It doesn’t usually hurt during spin unless I put too much resistance on the bike. I’m pretty good at knowing when to stop adding.
Nell: Thanks so much for your support. You’re great!