Yep, I like to sit in the back of the plane. Some might think I’m crazy but that and being in an aisle seat would be my top choice every time I fly.
Great reasons to sit in the back of the plane:
- You are one of the first groups of people to board the plane
- There is plenty of room for your carry on luggage in the overhead bin
- You are close to the flight attendants if you need anything or if you just want to chat
- You’re close to the bathroom (yes I AM one of those people)
- No fighting the crowd of other passengers who are in a total rush to get out of their seats, grab their luggage and hightail it off the plane.
and the bonus
#6 if your flight is not full, most people don’t like to sit all the way in the back so you are more likely to get a whole row to yourself!
Sure there might be some downsides to sitting in the back of the plane (like everyone standing in line for the bathroom or maybe not getting the yummy Cranberry juice you had your heart set on) but the other reasons are more important to me.
I love that everyone is ahead of me and I can take my time without rushing to get off the plane. Now it might be different if there is a plane change ahead like we had on our way to St. Thomas this month. We had less than an hour layover so it was important that we got off the plane quickly. If I know that is the case, I try to get a seat closer to the front.
For my flight next month to Fort Myers, FL, I chose row 31…..that is about as far to the back of the plane as you can get! And I don’t mind one bit.
What are your seat preferences when flying?
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