Today is Blog Your Heart Out Day, a day to talk about women and heart disease. My friend Sahar from Fat Fighter TV lost her mom to this disease and asked that I share something with you today to help spread the word about keeping the heart healthy. I was happy to do so especially because I totally understand since my mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and other family members and friends have been diagnosed with other cancers too. Gotta kick CANCER to the curb!
Here are 5 Ways for Keeping the Heart Healthy:
1) Exercise regularly
2) Relax! Keep the stress away.
3) Lose weight! When you have to much body fat you are at risk for a TON of health issues.
4) Quit Smoking
5) Eat REAL food, not processed.
Do you have any tips for keeping the heart healthy?
Thanks so much for taking part in this! xoxo
It was my pleasure, Sahar!