This week was good. Lots of healthy eats in addition to various workouts. We joined the new gym I have been talking about and are happy with our choice. We see things changing though when it comes to our workouts. New things in store for us, I think. Looking forward to getting active at the new gym once my personal training is over at the old one.
Here are this weeks workouts.
*Walk Away the Pounds 5k With a Twist DVD
Time: 45 min.
*Boxing (shadow/bag)
Time: 10 min.
Tuesday- Day off
*Personal training
Time: 30 min.
Thursday- Day off
*Personal training
Time: 1 hr
Boxing and upper body. Awesome workout!
*Spin class
Time: 1 hr
Spin class at the new gym. The bikes there are old and it’s nearly impossible for me to do a standing run at all. Every time I would try to get out of the seat the wheels/pedals would just stick and pretty much all the bikes I tried were like that. We are thinking maybe this means it’s time for us to start trying new things. So we are talking about only doing 2 spin classes a week and maybe one Pilates or Yoga along with other cardio and weight training. We’ll see.
Sunday- Day off
This week my feel good workouts were Walk Away the Pounds, boxing and upper body. I need to do more in home workouts that is for sure. Going back to Walk Away the Pounds after a long break from it made my calves and legs hurt so bad. It was a tough week but I do feel that I got some great workouts in.
Goal for this week: At least 1 spin class, 2 personal trainings, 1 strength/weight session on my own (home or gym) and I would like to do 1 or 2 Walk Away the Pounds workouts.
How did you do last week and what are your plans for this week?
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