When Kev and I stayed in Roatan, we took a snorkeling tour by boat one day and on our way to our first spot, we were able to pass by Anthony’s Key Resort. Roatan, Honuras is known for great snorkeling and diving and this resort is supposed to have great diving packages. We didn’t stay here nor did we have any experience directly with the resort but we were able to watch their dolphin encounter up close on the other side of the docks.
It was so cool to see the dolphins interacting with the trainers and the hotel guests. I wouldn’t mind doing the dolphin swim next time we are in Roatan, it might be a fun experience. We swam with a sea lion when we vacationed in St. Thomas and I loved it.
You might enjoy this dolphin video that we captured on our way to snorkel. We got quite a few videos but this is the only one where I’m not oooing and aaahhing over the dolphins. And probably the only video with the least movement.
The bungalows at the resort look really cool but I’m not sure we would pay the price to stay there. Plus I really liked being right on West Bay Beach! Have you ever been to Anthony’s Key Resort/Roatan, Honduras? Share your experience!
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