Just a little Operation Beautiful love for you!
This past week I only exercised one day (knee issues and also had what felt like a pulled muscle across the chest). I wrote about it in my Sunday mailing that most of you receive (if you don’t you can sign up using the box over on the right side of the blog). Saturday spin class was all I did this week and it was tough. The spin bikes at the new gym really need updating. They are horrible and very few can you do standing runs and climbs. The pedals snap and jerk your knees. Guess spin is not going to be something in the cards for us like it used to be. We’ll keep going on Saturday’s but I think that’s it unless of course they buy new bikes which I don’t see happening. Total bummer!
So we are going to get back to taking Pilates and probably try Yoga classes too. Maybe a sculpting class. Saturday’s at the gym will most likely include resistance pool. I am really looking forward to working out more at home, going on walks as the weather gets nicer and I must find time to fit in 2-3 strength days too. Actually 48 Days to a Better Me is almost up and I haven’t completed any of my goals. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll get the personal goal accomplished (learn how to put on eye make up LOL) and I’m still working on putting together a workout plan for once my personal training sessions end. Sure hope I can talk Kev into boxing a few times a week. THAT is my most favorite thing to do.
As for my FitBlogger March fitness challenge goal, obviously I didn’t complete it this past week nor will I be doing it this coming week. Overall the challenge was good for me to figure out that I need to make sure to do strength and core at least 3x a week. I didn’t accomplish all I set out to but when I did it felt great. FitBlogger has a motivation surprise for next month so I look forward to seeing what that will be.
How did your workouts go? And what are your goals for this week?
My goals: 2 personal training sessions, 2 home workouts, 1 spin class OR long walk outside
P.S. Do you follow Losing It and Loving It on Facebook? The more we stay accountable to one another, the more success we’ll have. Looking forward to seeing you there!
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