I was given the opportunity to review a variety of PR*Nutrition Bars and I love them! I only eat bars like this on occasion but these are so tasty. I have tried the Peanut Butter Granola (thick and tasty), Chocolate Mint (sweet but good), Oatmeal Raisin Granola (sweet but oh so good especially for someone who doesn’t care for raisins) and the Peanut Butter Berry Granola (it was good but a bit sweet for me). I still have the Apple Pie one left to try and I’m sure it will be good as well.
The bars are all 200 or more calories and have a good amount of protein and other positive things going for them. The only negative I found was they have corn syrup and fructose listed in their ingredients but like I always say, all things in moderation.
Sheri Sears co-founder and Executive VP of PR*Nutrition, Inc. says these bars were designed to enhance your body’s natural ability to burn body fat while maintaining or increasing lean body mass. Controlling blood sugars is the key to weight loss success.
Here are some of Sheri’s insights:
High-Five – Having stable blood sugar does 5 things for your body – it controls hunger, keeps mental focus, eliminates mood swings, eliminates cravings and helps drive your body to burn fat, not lean mass.
Take 4 – There has been a ton of press around the concept of “mini meals”, where it’s suggested that people consume 6 (or more) small meals throughout the day. In terms of keeping your blood sugar steady, eating every 4-5 hours that you are awake (4 times per day) is ideal. But, what’s more important than WHEN you eat is WHAT you eat – making sure each meal has the right ratio of protein/carbs and fats.
The Power of Protein – Protein is the key component in stabilizing blood sugar, and it is vital to use the correct ratio of high quality protein, low glycemic carbs and heart-healthy fats at each meal. Protein is used continuously during aerobic exercise. However, it is stored in small amounts. Lack of protein during moderate to heavy exercise may actually force your body to replenish its supply of protein from muscle. Rather than losing the fat you are exercising so hard to get rid of, you run the risk of losing too much muscle.
Burn Fat, Not Muscle – While most of us pay attention to the scale, it turns out we really should be monitoring how our clothes fit. The change in body fat composition is what matters. Any diet promising that you’ll drop x amount of weight in x amount of time is likely causing you to lose lean mass – which means a drop in your metabolic rate and a loss of strength. And important to note – generally, when you go off those diets you gain back more fat than you had when you started.
One Size Does Not Fit All – You need a nutrition program personalized to YOU to maximize results. PR*Bar’s Adaptive Nutrition programs are designed based on lean body mass, gender, height, weight, type of activities, and how many hours a week one works out. Along with using the PR*Bar you’ll be fueled to set your own personal record.
Again, PR*bar sent me a goodie pack to sample and I really like them. They are tasty and perfect for a quick snack before or after a workout. And I just think it’s absolutely cool that they are the official performance nutrition bar of the U.S. Olympic Team.
Ya nutrition bars like those are great for meal replacements or even before exercising just to give you some energy. From reading your blog, it seems you’ve come a long way and that’s awesome!! I have also been working on losing weight and changing my lifestyle to a healthier one. Being the new owner of a natural weight loss company it is really important for me to do so. My mother, the herbologist has been creating natural weight loss supplements for over 20 years.. She has helped so many people and now that I am running the family company, it is really great to follow in her foot steps. Her latest formula right now is called The Mega Thin Formula, it is completely natural and works with your body to help you embark on a healthier lifestyle. It helps curve cravings so you can make better choices. It also has a good amount of fiber to suppress appetite and help you feel full faster. It also gives you energy to do activities with the family or even a little motivation to exercise. Check out our website when you get a chance and I look forward to reading the rest of your experiences