Today I set up my own (and first) circuit training at home workout. Since Kev gets the treadmill on Thursday, I had to figure out something for me to do other than spin. So I quickly threw together this workout today. Now, I am NOT a personal trainer so I have no clue if this workout was even a good one but I burned over 400 calories in 30 min. so to me it went well. Here’s what I did.
Angie’s 1st Circuit Training At Home Workout
Warm up on the rebounder (mini trampoline) 2 minutes
Then 3 sets/rounds of the following:
1 minute: Squats (Set 1= 32) (Set 2= 36) (Set 3= 26)
10 second break
1 minute: Jumping Jacks
10 second break
1 minute: Upper body medicine ball workout (8 lb ball)
10 second break
1 minute: High knee jumps (on rebounder)
10 second break
1 minute: Fast feet (like football drill on rebounder)
10 second break
1 minute: Pushups (floor & wall)
10 second break
1 minute: Rebounder work
After each round there was a 2 minute break before starting the next.
So there you have it my very 1st circuit training workout!
After 3 rounds of the above, I took time to cool down on the rebounder by just bouncing and then walking. I do think I need to bump it up to a 15-20 second break though because I was having a bit of a time getting to the next move while still catching my breath. And the 8lb medicine ball left my arms feeling like 10 lbs of bricks afterwards so I’m not sure if that was a good choice.
For any of you that are personal trainers, please do let me know what you think. I really had no clue what I was doing, just picking some moves that I have done and enjoy that were a challenge in the past.
Do you do circuit training at home workouts?
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