Please help me welcome Jane, our guest blogger for today!
How to Lose Weight Without Dieting Now
Why dieting may not be working for you
According to the Scientific American (2007) and the American Psychologist where they reported across a couple of research studies, the first being a meta-analysis (a study of 31 long-term studies) where research covered every other study of people on diets for a 2-5 yr period and the second a study of 19,000 people, conclusions showed that diets don’t work.
What choice is there when it comes to weight loss?
If we put ‘dieting’ to one side, we have to eat right? Unlike most other ‘unhelpful’ behaviours when you view food cravings through the lens of ‘addiction’, its not something we can give up or stop doing because eating is something we need to survive. Of course there are exceptions to every rule but that is one for another day!
However, despite taking the healthy route some people can’t lose weight and this indicates there is more to be worked on besides their diet and exercise regime. Can it be true and what does this mean?
Surely you can’t do any more than the general advice we already follow: checking daily calorie intake; taking regular exercise; having good rest and maybe a little detoxification of some outstanding nasties acquired during those more excessive periods when eating has or does provide such great comfort.
Why some people never lose weight
Yet some people find it almost impossible to lose weight and others look at them askance when they say they’re following a healthy regime, as if to imply ‘oh sure pull the other one’ feeling sure it’s a case of some secret nibbling that they won’t even admit to themselves. Well, there may well be some of that for some of you, but for others there is a much simpler explanation.
If you can’t lose weight (no matter what) here’s the reason why
If a person really can’t lose and maintain weight loss, they probably have other aspects that trigger the recurring habit of comfort-eating and these ‘aspects’ may well need clearing before any ‘real’ change can occur.
To understand this better requires some clarity about how the subconscious works, and if you’re already familiar with it then you’ll know that this part of the mind wins out every time. And for some people no matter what they do they wind up regaining the weight, or as some of the above mentioned research revealed, it can worsen because the weight not only reappears over a 2-5 yr period but the weight gain surpasses the original starting point (prior to dieting).
How easily it can change
For these cases the tools and techniques I use with private clients works so well, because together we get to the core of the matter, relatively quickly, without having to go into prolonged discussion of any history you’d rather leave in the past. However, with specific questioning you can get there in less time than it’s ever taken before. In fact once you hit on the ‘golden nuggets’ the weight simply falls off.
The best thing about these sorts of sessions is that they allow you to ‘let-go’ of unwanted patterns of behavior; patterns that remain embedded (as all habits do, be they good, bad or indifferent) until we focus in on them and shift the energy around them. It’s very nice to know you can be free of what you’ve wanted to be free of for so long, and all in all it only takes a subtle change to make the deepest difference.
You can learn how to lose weight without dieting now from my friend Jane Unsworth (Integrated Health Practitioner and Trainer) who will teach you the tools and techniques at her website ABC Simple As. Feel free to ask Jane questions or book a free introductory chat to see if this might be for you.
Hey Angie … Sorry I’ve been such a stranger … Great post … and you’re so right! The subconscious mind can do some … “funny” things … is Jane a hypnotherapist?
Great post Angie thanks for bringing Jane’s approach to light. There are so many ways that our minds over-rule our behavior. The ability to understand what motivates our habits and responses in any given situation is what is really needed to change either or both. Does Jane do those initial ‘chats’ via email or phone?
The reason many people can’t lose weight and struggle with keeping it off is evolution. Evolution played an evil joke with humanities. People used to starve in the past, always under threat of dying from hunger. Then in the last 100 years or so, all of a sudden we are bombarded with high calorie foods from everywhere. But our bodies don’t know that we are no longer in primeval age, so they are trying to save for the future by accumulating fat (just in case bad times come again). I think people who are dieting must understand this concept before attempting to lose weight.
I am a firm believer that diets aren’t a long term solution to weight management. The word “diet” itself has a short-term conotation. After someone is done with the diet, they can go back to their normal eating habits and that is where alot of the damage is done. The rebound has a high probability of making them fatter.
I believe that the real solution for sustained weight management is true education and true understanding of the human physique. I have successfully lost 170lbs, reduced my blood pressure from 160/110 to 120/80 and droped my waist size from 48 to 38 inch over the last 1.5 years. The best thing is, I didn’t use fad diet or medication. The trick is to gain real and useful knowledge about how the body work, how to kill cravings etc. It is not that hard if you really want to know how to do it.
If you’re interested in my journey please visit my site.