What is the Paleo diet?
The background of the paleo diet is built around the premise that our genetics have not changed too much since the Palaeolithic era, otherwise known as the caveman era. Palaeolithic researchers have gone into proving that this phenomenon is true and that many of our modern food sources are the key problems in the development of diseases such as weight gain/obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and so forth.
You see methods of agriculture to grow things like grains and legumes en masse have only been around for about 10 000 years. So these scientists say that our bodies have not been able to adapt to the change. On the other hand, the caveman way of eating had sustained our human species for millions of years. Of course we couldn’t avoid death by sabre tooth tiger, but the existence of disease was rare.
There is still a lot more research to do but people are seeing incredible results from the paleo diet and lifestyle, with both easy weight loss and many increased health benefits.
It makes logical sense when you think about it. But although the whole caveman idea is the premise on which the paleo diet comes from, I personally like to think of it as a real food, clean food and a natural, healthy diet that excludes many of the foods of modern agriculture.
So what can you eat on the paleo diet?
- You can eat a wide selection of protein sources including red meats, chicken, duck, turkey, game meats, organ meats, fish, seafood and eggs.
- You can eat any type of vegetables you like and there are many of those delicious things to choose from in every shape, color and form!
- You can eat fruit, dried fruit, nuts and seeds in small quantities.
- You can eat fresh and dried herbs and spices.
- You can eat good sources of fat including avocado, olive oils, coconut oil, nut butters, flax seed oil, and coconut.
And what foods should you avoid?
What you should avoid on the paleo diet is pretty important if you want to see results for weight loss and health improvements.
You should avoid all grains, legumes, beans, dairy, white potatoes and potato products, excess salt, processed meats, sugary sweet things, deep fried foods and any type of processed foods for that matter. That means sauces, condiments, pasta, pizza; candy, cookies and all those other packaged foods must go.
And yes, say goodbye to your take out fast food! Sorry about that but it’s no good for you and won’t help you achieve your goal so you should be happy I mentioned it!
Does this sound like it might be a life sentence to you?
I thought so too when I first read what I had to cut out on the paleo diet! Believe me, I loved eating bread and pastas, and lots of them too! Sure it may have been a bit hard initially, but surprisingly I have thoroughly enjoyed eating this way and now I would never go back.
I have experienced so many improvements all round including weight loss, no bloating, increased energy and vitality, the ability to think clearly, my moods are level throughout the day, and I just generally feel better all round.
Anyway I hope this gives you a bit of a look inside the paleo diet.
If you want more info you can visit my paleo diet blog and read all day if you like. Would love to see you there. Have a great day. Jedha
a great summary! i’ve thought about trying it out, i just love sugar so much. would be quite a hard switch!
found you through fitfluential 🙂
You really should give the paleo diet a go. Even if you follow it 80% of the time you will still feel great benefits. Giving up sugar isn’t the easiest thing to do but it is well worth the effort 🙂
Thanks Sam! Nice to meet you.
I also have trouble with sugar but need to cut down on it a lot.
I’m curios about the Paleo diet myself. The only thing that is holding me back is no dairy. How important is this rule? I love yogurt and cheese and milk. I can live without the sugar and processed foods but without dairy not so much. I’ll definitely be checking out your other blog. Thanks for the great info!
Rachelle, some paleo people do eat dairy. It is a personal choice, however if trying to achieve optimal weight loss results it’s best to cut it out. Here’s a post o my paleo diet blog you might like to read https://paleoweightlosscoach.com/2223/paleo-diet-dairy/
Hi Angie,
Great intro to Paleo. Most people that write about Paleo make it seem way too complex for beginners
Thanks Doug!
Jedha did a great job explaining in simple terms.
I’ve lost 90 pounds so far eating a predominantly paleo diet. Creative cooking makes it an easy plan to follow but for true weight loss sticking with meat, fruit, and vegetable, and natural fats worked best for me.
Amazing job! Congrats on your weight loss with Paleo. Thanks for sharing.
The term the paleo diet which is highlighted works here, but not the one that is at the end of the recipe post