Looking Back
We had a lot going on this past year and are ready to put it behind us. Quite a few family members had major health issues so 2011 wasn’t the best year for us and was pretty challenging.
My father in law had a major stroke and many didn’t believe he was going to make it OR even ever go home if he did but he fought hard and was able to go home this past week.
My stepdaughter and her hubby announced they were due with their 1st baby in January 2012. So we have been preparing to spend some good quality time with them in Oklahoma.
This past year we also completed our home gym, a dream we had for a very long time. We spent the summer building a shed so we could move everything from the garage into it.
We then set out to remodel our home gym garage space. It turned out exceptionally well considering all the time and hard work and we are so happy with that. YES, I still need to get more pictures and a video together to share with you. I haven’t forgotten!
Looking Forward
I have high hopes for 2012! There are so many things I would like to accomplish this year.
I gained back a lot of the weight I previously lost and need to get back into consistent healthy habits. I do have some specific healthy living goals for 2012 listed below in no particular order.
1) Keep a food journal
When I first started my healthy living journey over 5 years ago, I kept a very specific food journal and was successful with losing weight. I should have never stopped that and I want to get back to it.
My goal for the food journal right now is to just jot down what I eat throughout the day. If I find that I’m still struggling with losing weight, I’ll have to get back to adding more specifics like how much I eat, the calories, etc. This might take me on the hunt for an iPhone food journal app. But I like to keep things simple plus I’m really not THAT techy.
On the topic of food, I personally don’t like to follow any one diet plan BUT I do want to learn more about low carb eating options, Paleo for weight loss and even the vegan lifestyle. I’ll just combine them all to find a healthier way to eat for ME.
2) Train for December Reggae Marathon 10k run/walk
Kev and I have been talking about returning to Jamaica next December to participate in the Reggae Marathon again. This time, instead of doing the half marathon, I’ll train to do the 10k (run/walk).
3) Fitness every day
I want to be more active! I love to exercise but lately I have been slacking big time and just finding excuse after excuse to not do it some days. I want to make it a point to do something active every day even if it’s not a full fledged workout. Whether it’s Wii Fit, a walk in the park or a quick 100 crunches on the ball, my mantra will be fitness every day.
4) Cook
Kevin is the one who does all the cooking around here OR we eat meals out. Starting in February, I would like to cook at least 2 meals a week. To do that I must learn how to cook ha ha. I’ll be on the search for easy vegetarian recipes!
5) Weight Training/Abs program 3x a week
My mom and dad were VERY generous and bought us an adjustable weight set for Christmas. This has been on our home gym wish list for quite some time so now I have no excuse. Looking forward to this.
6) Lose 85 lbs
Enough said!
So now that I have looked back over last year and set goals for the new year, I’m ready to rock 2012.
What are your healthy living goals for the coming year?
Great goals Ang! I too will be continuing my healthy lifestyle along with bumping things up a bit.
I have seen some great results with strength training- so I`ll cintinue that. I have opted for a Primal diet- all whole food, very low carb and sugar.
One new goal is about new experiances. I have found out this year that I love adventures, So- this year I will go somewhere new at least once a month, and do something I have never done at least once a month.We have a few adventures planned already- we`ll be kayaking in the Everglades in January, and climbing Mount Washington in June.
Happy New Year!
Thanks Terry! You have been doing such an awesome job. A total inspiration to me that is for sure.
I think that is the type of diet I would be interested in and would love to be able to cut down on sugar and breads.
Way to go on all your adventures. If you ever would like to write a guest blog post about them, please let me know.
This a fantastic article Ang, it’s good to see that you’re setting yourself health and fitness goals for the year ahead. Many people fail to realize that simply having the goal “I want to lose weight” isn’t enough. I personally find motivation in following a diet plan. One I have covered extensively on my own site (if you’re interested is Fat Burning Furnace I hope this is useful for you. Good luck with your goals in 2012, and have a great new year!! Keep up the good work!
Thanks H J! It’s so true about needing to have more than just the “I want to lose weight” goal. Gotta be more specific!
You have ambitious goals for 2012, Angie!
I’m also writing a recap for 2011. The one thing I plan on doing next year is keeping a food journal. I’ve dabbled with it before, but now I think it’s a good time to take it more seriously.
The food journal is something I am doing too. In fact today is Day 1. I was sick today but I managed to have a decent day. Hopefully I can get to the store tomorrow to stock up for the next few weeks before I head off to Oklahoma. Looking forward to reading about your experience with keeping a journal.
You do have very ambitious goals, but I like that they are specific enough while still leaving a bit of wiggle room for alterations. May 2012 be your healthiest year yet!
Thank you, Kati! They are pretty ambitious but I think I’ll be able to do it. And if I have to make some modifications, I’ll do that for sure.
I use loseit on my phone, IPad, iPod and online..lcheck it out….it’s free too!
Thanks Megan! I think I have that one on there so I’ll check it out. Today I used Evernote which was cool and something I use for business. Not sure why I didn’t think about that. Also used an actual paper journal. We’ll see what I like best.
Hello Angie and friends,

Thank you for posting this. I have been all over the place since this past June when we left for vacation. I am not sure what happened as I was almost back to my lowest since quitting smoking but something happened and it spiraled out of control. I have gone from 171 to 188 and it stops here.
I too am going to start journalling my food. Workout at least 5 days per week (6 would be even better) and stop dwelling on how my body was before I quit smoking and my appendix surgery. I have to learn to deal with how my body is now and not before the surgery (its not the same and I have to face that). We all can do it and I thank you so much for the support and motivation!.