Time: 20 min.
Miles: 1.36
Calories burned: 347
*Zumba (Basics DVD light workout)
Time: 1 hr
Calories burned: 328
*Zumba (20 minute workout DVD)
Time: 20 min.
Calories burned: 250
Time: 10 min.
Miles: .70
Calories burned: 185
Time: 26 min.
Miles: 1.40
Calories burned: 412
*Strength training/weights
Time: 11 min.
Calories burned: 147
*Zumba (part of Zumba Cardio Party)
Time: 31 min.
Calories burned: 359
I won’t have a chance to do the entire Zumba workout package until the beginning of February BUT I am already loving it so I think I’m going to go ahead and write my review next week and then do the giveaway the week after that. I can honestly say I LOVE Zumba now and you’ll see what I mean when I write my review of it.
Saturday & Sunday-
*Light wallking
Once again, no loss on the scale. I weighed in yesterday before I left for Oklahoma.
How did your week go?
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