This day 40 years ago I was born (yep, I’m an April Fools baby lol). I have been working on a list of 40 Random Things (about me, things I want to do or just plain random thoughts) so you can get to know me a bit better. This list is a mishmash of things so be prepared.
I am one of those people that gets excited about getting older. I have no issue with it. Life just keeps getting better and better as the years go on.
Today I am spending the day getting the kitchen organized and hopefully getting my home office desk cleaned off. I have been feeling the need to get rid of a lot of stuff and find my organized self again. There is way to much clutter that we don’t need and hopefully someone else can benefit from it.
We had planned a while ago to do one of my favorite things in the world, roller skating BUT since I haven’t been for as long as I can remember we decided that now is not a good time with everything going on with our kitten.
For those that don’t know, Franklin fractured and broke his leg and for the last 4 weeks has been confined to a dog crate wearing a cone. The poor little guy has a pin in his leg and will have another xray on April 13th to see if the fracture has healed. If so, we have another surgery and then 8 more weeks in the dog crate.
If it’s not ready to come out, then we wait another 2 weeks for another xray. This has been a huge financial set back in our lives (not to mention emotional too) but we wouldn’t have had it any other way. Our pets are family so you do what you have to do. If you choose to have pets, you take on all responsibility of that animal. OK off the soap box….our other cat is lonely without his buddy to play with. So please keep good thoughts that Franklin will heal like he’s supposed to.
Here’s my list of 40 Random Things:
1) Life is Good
2) Being a grandma is awesome
3) I love boxing
4) I got married on New Year’s Eve (we’ll celebrate #16 this year)
5) I don’t have kids of my own BUT I have two awesome step kids (30 and 27)
6) My hubby is my best friend. He’s awesome.
7) I’m a cool step mom (at least I seem to think so)
8 ) I love to travel
9) I love animals
10) We have a Blue & Gold Macaw, 2 cats, a turtle and we are pet sitting my stepson’s bird for a while
11) I want to live where it’s hot year round (Caribbean would be nice!)
12) I choose beach over mountains any day
13) I swam with a sea lion & sea turtles
14) I love Reggae and Country music
15) Charlie’s Angels was my favorite show growing up
16) I love to roller skate (although I haven’t been since I was a teen)
17) I colored my hair for the 1st time ever in 2011
18) I would love for Kev and I to be on The Amazing Race
19) Snorkeling is my favorite water sport
20) Bob Marley rocks
21) I kick butt at Pac-Man
22) I’m a purse addict
23) I would be a high heel shoe addict if I could wear them (in my dreams)
24) My favorite movie is Grease
25) I want to visit these 40 places before I die
26) I’m obsessed with palm trees
27) Seize the moment
28) I like to people watch at the airport
29) I like flip flops
30) I love colorful nail polish & french manicures
31) I love spinach in my smoothies
32) My favorite food is sushi
33) I love to fly
34) Live life to the fullest
35) I’m originally from Northern Virginia (now living in IL)
36) I collect magnets
37) My favorite store is Office Max
38) I love to shop online
39) Jamaica is my favorite country
40) I want to visit every theme park in the world
Do you have any other questions for me?
P.S. We want to get to know you better too! Feel free to leave a comment with 5 things we should know about you OR write a 40 Things post on your blog and link back here.

Happy Birthday Angie!
That’s a great list, and I certainly think 1) should be bolded, in capitalized and repeated over and again- life certainly is good, make the most of it everyone!
Here’s my list of 5 random things:
1) Football (Soccer) occupies my thoughts for abou 60% of the day
2) The other 40% is split between searching for food, feeling guilty about it and then justifying it!
3) The more I use it, the more I grow to love the internet as an information resource
4) That said, I absolute hate people using social networks as an online diary… we don’t need to know what you just had for lunch!
5) I start everyday fullof optimism and go to bed dreaming of what I want to do tomorrow.
Thank you Jamie! I agree, Life IS good and everyone should make the most of it. Your #5 sounds good to me!
Welcome to the 40+ club, Angie! Before now you were almost too young to read my blog, it’s best suited for women over 40! 🙂
I didn’t know you are a purse addict. How many purses do you own?
I hope the best for Frankling and Wilbur too!