April’s Bloggy Love award is here.
For the month of April 2009, I have chosen Roni from Roni’s Weigh to receive this award. Roni is a true inspiration to so many people. What I like about Roni is that she is real and shares openly about her weight loss journey on her blog. She uses the blog as a personal online journal and it’s very motivational to see that she is just like many of us who have struggles too. You should really get to know Roni better.
Roni is another one of the great bloggers I met last November while she was in town for the Quaker Oats event. I also got to spend quite a bit of time chatting with her at Panera where we all had breakfast. Here is a picture of us together.
Here are more blogger meet up pictures.
Roni’s blog has a lot to offer and is full of some super awesome stuff like Question of the Week, Thursday Thoughts, Ask Roni videos, a cool store with THE cutest broccoli shirt and much more. Don’t miss her recipe video blog, GreenLiteBites.
Oh and check out her Blog to Lose community. You’ll find a group of weight loss bloggers who are there to support one another. As I write this, there are 64 groups at Blog to Lose. I’m interested in the 100 pounds plus, losing with dvds, 30 Day Shred and a few other groups. I just joined and you can see my profile here: Angie Newton’s Blog to Lose profile If you decide to join, be sure to let me know!
Once you get to know Roni, you’ll know why I chose her as a recipient of this Bloggy Love award. Roni, I appreciate everything you do on your blog and the time you dedicate to helping all of us improve our lives. You are truly a blessing to many.
Don’t forget to share the bloggy love too. Feel free to use this bloggy love award and link back in the comments when you do. Be sure to come back next month to see who the May 2009 bloggy love award recipient will be!
WOW.. Thank you so much. I’m honored! Crash Blogher so we can catch up again!! 🙂
Roni’s last blog post..Why Your Last Diet Failed You – Book Tour Part 1