This week was definitely not my week. I hurt my neck and the pain is horrible. I am on day 5 and it seems to be getting a bit better. I pushed through two days of spin and not quite sure it was the smart thing to do but I did it anyway. Tomorrow I am skipping spin class but I am going to try to do an in-home walking workout if I am feeling better or I might just take the day off.
Hubby’s b-day was yesterday and we had fun at spin, shopping and he made awesome bison burgers from Whole Foods for dinner. So yummy! Have you ever had bison meat? He had a good birthday and thanks to those of you who sent notes to him for a happy b-day.
Some of my food choices this weekend were BAD. I was disappointed that I didn’t have the willpower to stop when I was full. Gosh it’s a challenge to make wise food choices sometimes. I keep working at it even 4 years later.
Here are my workouts for the week:
Workout stats for the week of April 13-19, 2009
*Walk outside
Time: 10 min.
*Spin class
Time: 52 min.
Calories burned: 585
*Walk outside
Time: 30 min.
*Walk outside
Time: 20 min.
*Walk outside
Time: 20 min.
*Walk outside
Time: 20 min.
*Spin class
Time: 1 hour 4 min.
Calories burned: 583
*Spin class
Time: 55 min.
Calories burned: 488
How did your workouts go this week?
Sorry to hear you had a rough week Angie. Neck pain is no fun. I hope the pain goes away quickly. Happy belated bday to your hubby.
Tishia Lee’s last blog post..Another Confession – Will I Ever Learn?
Sorry to hear about you neck – maybe a pinched nerve?
You are brave for trying Bison – I am not that brave!
Day 19 of 30 day shred is complete!
Biz’s last blog post..Chicago-Style Barbecued Ribs
*hugs* as being injured is rough on all other facts of life.
the increased stress since you cant burn it off….alll leads to food choices we’d not have made otherwise.
take today slow if you can.
I can see you made wanna do something to get moving but be careful and gentle to your bod.
MizFit’s last blog post..Personal First-Aid Kits (video post)
Thanks everyone! It’s still not feeling good but I can tell it is getting better so I am going to take the day off except for maybe a walk if the weather cooperates.
Yes, Biz, hubs thinks it’s a pinched nerve. Ohh and look at you go on the Shred. WOW you rock!