Here are some giveaways going on!
Go ahead and enter because you never know if you’ll win. Found out today that I won TWO contests I entered last week. Awesome!
Have you won anything lately?
Bamboo bottle and book giveaway at Eating Bender Ends tonight 11:59 PM (Be sure to congratulate her on her four year blogiversary
Oakley and Ellasport giveaway at Run To The Finish Ends 3/26
Wellness Week is coming to an end but you still have time to get some special deals. Here are some ways to take charge of your health.
I asked for opinions on two books on Twitter this week and the author of one of them, Kathy Hester, author of The Vegan Slow Cooker tweeted me asking if I had questions. Bonus! And in case you’re wondering the other book I am looking at is called Skinny Dish!
which was recommended to me by a nice lady who was shopping at Trader Joe’s. Do you have either one?
Bonnie, a FitFluential friend posted some awesome info about Designer Whey protein powder. And there are smoothie recipes posted further down and in the comments. She was kind enough to share my info since wouldn’t let me post it today. Go check her blog out. She’s amazing! And since next week is the last week of National Nutrition month, you should also check out her diet and nutrition tips.
And be sure to check out Operation: Fridge Make-Over! I need those glass containers. Very good idea!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for the mention!!
Feel free to add your own recipes and input 
I should have said “make sure your readers are sharing” – I already took care of YOU!
Thanks for the PINGBACK! 
I understood, thanks for clarifying. Happy to share!