I’m going to try to start doing healthy meal plans again each week. We want to cut down on our dinners out AND as you have heard me say before, I want to start trying to cook some meals.
So I went through my new Cooking with Trader Joe’s Cookbook: Skinny Dish! and took a few recipes from there to try plus a meal from my friend Jedha’s Paleo meal plan program which I’ll be telling you more about very soon and came up with a bit of a plan.
So here is the tentative menu for this week:
Lemon Pepper Fish (from Jedha’s Paleo program), Polenta Stuffed Mini Peppers (from Skinny Dish page 78) and veggies
Pizza Burgers (from Skinny Dish page 146), side and veggies
Out for movies and dinner for Kev’s 50th birthday! Whoo hoo!
Stuffed Peppers (Skinny Dish page 164)
Pressures on Pasta (Skinny Dish page 195), with garlic biscuit bread
Saturday & Sunday- Plan as we go!
Do you have your healthy meal plans ready for the week? If so, feel free to link below so we can see the goodness you plan on serving up!
Having a meal plan is a great way to have more control over what you are eating. If you are making your own meals then you know what is going in it compared to eating out or processed foods.
Thanks Mike! It’s hard to follow a meal plan, for us anyway. But I’m going to keep trying! Definitely want to eat less processed and save $ by eating more at home.
It’s great to take the time to meal plan, I do it regularly too! Saves time, saves money and it keeps your weight loss goals on track too. Looks like a good week Angie 🙂
And you do it well! I love your new meal plan program (I’ll be reviewing it here on the blog next week!). I can definitely see how it will keep my weight loss goals on track. Thanks Jedha!
Hi Angie, those Stuffed Peppers sound good. Let us know if they turn out. Here’s my plan for the week. https://www.familymealsandcookingtips.com/weekly-meal-plan-wc-23-04-12/
I try and combine a few new recipes each week with some family friendly ones. And I try and make everything child friendly and relatively healthy and balanced.