Pinterest Fitness Workouts
I have come across so many awesome workouts on Pinterest. Right now they are on my fitness inspiration board. Thinking about separating those out to their own Pinterest Fitness board.
I wanted to share with you the two awesome workouts I have done. I have quite a few pinned to my board but am always looking for more so don’t hesitate to share your favorites in the comments.
The first one I ever did was from Kristen. It was a Bosu Challenge and I absolutely loved it (you might have seen it, I have shared about it on the blog before). 5 minutes and 5 moves x 2, that’s all. It was awesome! Check it out on Pinterest…
The one I did today was amazing too! And this one was special in a way. Lately, as most of you know, I have been struggling with my workouts and it’s weird because I have never felt this way before, I love working out.
Anyway, I have been in a funk and this workout, the Medicine Ball Interval Workout really made me excited to do more. It wasn’t easy and I had to modify some things at times and take some breaks but it was only 30 minutes and it’s perfect for the pet situation we are in.
Check out this awesome workout from Nicole:
So there you have it. Two awesome and quick workouts! Now go find yourself some Pinterest fitness to do and have a blast.
What is the best workout you have found on Pinterest?
I love all these workouts that people pin…I like to save them onto my iPod so it’s easy to use later!
I have been pulling them up on my iPad on their website but if there is an easier way to see them better, let me know. I don’t think they have an app for iPad yet but I haven’t checked recently. The one I have on there now is the one for iPhone so it’s too small.
I need to get my misfit arse on pinterest.
LOL umm YES you do.
Great Pinterest Topic.