Yikes didn’t meet my goals last week. It sure doesn’t feel good but I’m still moving forward. I know the stress of everything going on with our cat is doing me in. And I’m trying to push past it.
Have you ever had something that has held you back and put you in a funk when it comes to healthy living?
I need to break through this and move forward (and I WILL). Just need to stay accountable here on the blog so here are my workouts from last week. The workouts I DID do were good so that makes me feel better.
Time: 10 min.
Miles: .67
Calories burned: 153
*Strength/Weights Workout A
Time: 37 min.
Calories burned: my heart rate monitor pooped out so I have no clue
*Spinning (Interval A workout)
Time: 34 min.
Calories burned: 455
Wednesday-Thursday- Off
Time: 33 min.
Calories burned: 424
*Outdoor work
Sunday- Day off
This week’s goal AGAIN is to hit the 5 workout days. And no desserts! I have been doing OK with limiting desserts though so just keep pressing forward.
What are your goals for this week?
P.S. Tomorrow is the last Tuesday for challenge check in’s in June. If we have enough check in’s for all the prizes left, I’ll draw for the remaining prizes. Otherwise, we’ll go into July and have another challenge check in next week.
To me your week actually looks pretty good. It’s a good maintenance week. And you will get out of the funk eventually..
And YAY for not eating desserts
Thanks for being so supportive. I feel I am breaking out of the funk. This week was much better that is for sure.